Translating Neuroscience Into CBT Practice

Current Opportunities and Future Directions
ABCT Virtual Summit | June 7, 2024

Virtual Poster Session

We are thrilled to announce ABCT’s first virtual summit on June 7, 2024, “Translating Neuroscience into CBT Practice: Current Opportunities and Future Directions.” The virtual summit will feature presentations, symposia, and dialogues between basic neuroscientists, clinical scientists, and clinicians. CE credits are available!

The summit will include a virtual poster session from 6:00 – 7:30 PM EDT / 3:00-4:30 PM PDT. The poster session will be hosted over the online video chat platform,, which will provide a virtual space for real-time conversations about research. 

How to Submit a Poster Abstract

Poster submissions due May 22, 2024, 11:59 PM PDT.

E-mail an abstract, title, and author/co-author names and affiliations with “Virtual Summit Poster” in the e-mail subject line to [email protected]. 

Posters can be 1 slide or a presentation.

The abstract should include Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion sections (no more than 250 words). Please indicate if an author self-identifies as a member of an underrepresented group (examples include, but are not limited to: race/ethnicity, sexual/gender minority status, disability status, immigration status, first generation college student). 

Looking forward to receiving your submission!

– The 2024 Virtual Summit Program Committee