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Condemning Violence Against the AAPI Community in North America

Indeed, multiple sources of information suggest an increase in racism toward AAPI people during the COVID pandemic. These have included declining sales at Asian-owned businesses, reports of increased bullying in schools, and violence toward AAPI individuals. A report by the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council noted that Asian American women were three times more likely to report harassment compared to men.
We further note that the mislabeling of COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus” or other racist monikers is not only a misrepresentation of the facts, but also contributes to anti-Asian rhetoric and actions.
ABCT denounces all forms of racism, discrimination, and xenophobia. We further wish to express our solidarity with those who are especially vulnerable, such as the elderly, those with limited English proficiency, and those who are undocumented.
David F. Tolin, Ph.D., ABPP
President, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies