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ABCT Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

CoA list of current SIGs is offered below. To Join a SIG, please contact the respective SIG leader listed below. Each SIG is run independently by its own leadership.

More information is available on how to create a new SIG.

As a service to its members and to others interested in behavior therapy and cognitive behavior therapy, ABCT has included helpful website links to SIGs and organizations with similar interests and goals. ABCT neither reviews nor endorses these linked websites and is not responsible for their content.


SIG Leaders

Name: Taryn Myers, Ph.D.
Email: [email protected]
Name: Monica Shah,  Psy.D.
Email: [email protected]

Addictive Behaviors SIG

The Addictive Behaviors SIG (SIG AB) provides a platform within ABCT for members to communicate and collaborate regarding substance use topics that include but are not limited to: research examining etiological factors and mechanisms that perpetuate substance use and related disorders, intervention and treatment, harm reduction strategies, and the impact of substance use on health and behavior. The SIG AB welcomes members who are interested in joining a group of researchers, clinicians, mental health professionals, and students who want to connect with other ABCT members in this area of research and treatment. As a whole, our SIG promotes increased awareness of issues surrounding substance use, active involvement in ABCT, and communication among members at the annual conference and throughout the year. Please visit our website for more information or contact us directly!
Contact Information: Nadine Mastroleo, Ph.D., (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Bradley Conner PhD (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]

SIG website:


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) SIG

The ADHD SIG seeks to create a community of collaboration and information exchange among professionals and students with interest in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) across the lifespan and its related disorders and impairemtns. In order to fulfill this purpose, the SIG has an active listserv, regularly updated training opportunities list, an annual all-day pre-conference during the ABCT Convention, and annual student poster and travel awards.
Contact Information: Lauren Friedman, Ph.D. (Chair-Elect)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 480-727-8118

Contact Information: Rosanna Breaux, Ph.D., LCP (Chair)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 540-231-8511

SIG Website:

SIG E-mail: [email protected]

Facebook Page:

Twitter Page: @ADHD_SIG


Aging Behavior and Cognitive Therapy SIG

The purpose of the Aging Behavior and Cognitive Therapy SIG is to promote communication and collaboration among health professionals interested in aging issues, particularly within behavioral and cognitive-behavioral frameworks, across both clinical and research domains. In order to fulfill this purpose, the SIG will act to: promote awareness of aging issues within ABCT, increase involvement in the SIG and in ABCT for those who have interests in aging, and be responsive to the needs of the members of the organization and changes in the professional environment.
Contact Information: Kristen H. Sorocco, Ph.D., (SIG Chair)
1122 NE 13th St, ORB 1200
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Phone: (405) 456-1454
Email: [email protected]


Anxiety Disorders SIG

The purpose of the Anxiety Disorders SIG is to provide opportunities for academic and clinical collaboration and networking between professionals with passion for the anxiety spectrum. We disseminate information to members on current research developments and practice innovations with respect to anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, and trauma-related disorders. The benefits of Anxiety Disorders SIG membership include: an opportunity to present your anxiety-related research within the SIG Poster Exposition at the annual ABCT conference, eligibility to win annual (monetary) awards for anxiety-related research and early career achievements, receipt of our newsletter, and access to spaces and platforms for networking and collaboration, both online (i.e., website, Facebook, and we are considering reviving the listserv) and in-person. Our annual ABCT conference SIG meeting hosts excellent speakers annually, providing a small venue to learn from and get to know some of today’s leading researchers in anxiety disorders and their treatment. These meetings also leave time for chasing down that professional whose ear you’ve been wanting to bend, and stay tuned for notifications about a conference Anxiety After Party to facilitate a deepening sense of community and connection!
Contact Information:Darlene Davis Goodwine, Ph.D., (Chair)
Aidan Behavioral Health and Consulting
1030 Burlington Lane, Suite 5
Frankfort, KY 40601
[email protected]

SIG Email: [email protected]

SIG Twitter:


Asian American Issues in Behavior Therapy and Research SIG

We provide a welcoming professional space for those who identify as Asian, South Asian, Asian American and/or Pacific Islander and seek to connect with others of AAPI origins. We also welcome individuals who are interested in supporting, studying, and advocating for the mental health needs of AAPI populations. We seek to offer research collaboration opportunities, mentorship to students, collegial connection, and a forum to discuss issues relevant to AAPI mental health and research. This SIG aims to provide the field of behavior therapy with a more accurate representation of AAPI perspectives in mental health.

Contact Information:
Janie J. Hong, Ph.D., (SIG Chair)
Stanford University School of Medicine & Redwood Center for CBT and Research
50 Woodside Plaza, Ste. 503
Redwood City, CA 94061
Phone: (510) 400-4052
Email: [email protected]
Google Groups e-mail: [email protected]



Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disabilities SIG

The Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disabilities (ASDD) SIG is committed to sharing ideas and recent findings about children and adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other developmental disorders. Our SIG focuses on the intersection of behavioral and cognitive therapy traditions. Cognitive-behavioral treatments (CBT) are relatively new for this population in terms of systematic evaluation. ASD and other developmental disorders affect millions of individuals in the U.S. and elsewhere, many of whom are functioning in the average to superior range of cognitive abilities. The cognitive and language-based aspects of CBT are likely to be accessible and useful to many people with ASD and related disorders, and it is the mission of this SIG to advance efforts to make cognitive-behavioral treatments relevant and accessible to affected individuals. The SIG provides a forum for dissemination of relevant basic and clinical research findings, including descriptive outcome studies, the effects of comorbidity, and studies of behavioral therapy and CBT for individuals with autism spectrum and other developmental disorders.
Contact Information: Katherine Pickard, Ph.D.
1920 Briarcliff Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30329

Phone: (404) 785-9350
Email: [email protected]
SIG website:
SIG Twitter:


Behavior Analysis SIG

The Behavior Analysis SIG gives emphasis to the contextual, selectionist, and scientific theoretical foundations of behavior therapy. Behavior analytic principles provide process level accounts for therapeutic change in CBT interventions ranging from exposure and cognitive restructuring to acceptance and mindfulness. The functional analysis elements of Processed Based Therapy (PBT) are similarly rooted in behavior analysis. This SIG is committed to maintaining contemporary behavior analytic accounts of human behavior and therapeutic process of change. It is the mission of the members of this SIG to ensure that our conceptual understanding of the processes of change in therapy keeps pace with the evolving technology used to foster such change.

Contact Information: Thomas J. Waltz, Ph.D., (SIG Chair)
Department of Psychology
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: (734) 487-4852
Email: [email protected]


Behavioral Medicine and Integrated Primary Care SIG:

The purpose of the Behavioral Medicine and Integrated Primary Care SIG is to disseminate information to members on current behavioral research and practice regarding health promotion (e.g., HIV prevention, exercise), the treatment of medical problems (e.g., chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes), and providing consultation and intervention on mental health problems in primary care and other healthcare settings. The Behavioral Medicine and Integrated Primary Care SIG hopes to strengthen the membership and scope of ABCT by providing a forum for researchers and scientists of a variety of professional backgrounds to discuss the use of CBT research and practice to promote health and treat medical problems as well as to support work from a public health perspective. Moreover, the SIG seeks to provide a forum for networking for behavioral medicine and primary care-based CBT professionals and researchers.
Contact Information: Amelia M. Stanton, Ph.D., (Co-Chair)
Research Fellow in Global Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Clinical Fellow in Psychology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Matthew C. Sullivan, Ph.D., (Co-Chair)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Clinical Research Fellow in Psychology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Email:[email protected]

SIG Website:

SIG Twitter:

SIG Facebook page:

Behavioral Sleep Medicine SIG

Our special interest group is open to any ABCT members with an interest in behavioral sleep medicine. Our members vary from students who want to learn more about the field, sleep specialists and/or researchers, and those with very little sleep background. All are welcome. We meet once a year at the convention but correspond via email during the year.

Contact Information: Colleen E. Carney, Ph.D., (SIG Chair)
Toronto Metropolitan University
350 Victoria Street JOR926
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 2K3 Canada

Phone: (416) 979-5000 ext. 552177
Email: [email protected]


Bipolar Disorders SIG

The Bipolar Disorders SIG welcomes members who are focused on the etiology and treatment of bipolar spectrum disorders. The members cover the developmental course of bipolar disorder, from juvenile to adult bipolar disorder, and span interests in assessment, clinical description, culture, outcomes, risk factors, and treatment models. This SIG has a particular investment in providing a nurturing atmosphere for idea exchange, and a forum to help promote the development of junior scientists.
Contact Information: Andrew Peckham, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
Clinical Psychologist & Research Investigator
VA Bedford Healthcare System / VISN 1 MIRECC

200 Springs Road
Mail Stop 116B
Bedford, MA 01730

Phone: (781) 687-4329
Email: [email protected]


Black Americans in Research and Behavioral Therapy

This SIG is for psychologists, researchers, students and others with an interest in CBT research and practice as it pertains to African Americans. Membership in this SIG also provides an opportunity for networking, support, and camaraderie.
Contact Information:
Jamilah R. George, M.Div., M.S., SIG Chair
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Rd, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 06269

Contact Information: Michael Crawford; BA  (Co-Chair)
Email:[email protected]
SIG Email: [email protected]
SIG website:


Child and Adolescent Anxiety SIG

The Child and Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group (SIG) was formed to facilitate advancements in the field of child and adolescent anxiety disorders. To this end, the SIG aims to: i) provide an arena for members to discuss current controversies, limitations of research and directions for future research; ii) foster collaboration amongst researchers and clinicians; and iii) provide an avenue for members to network with colleagues sharing a common interest in child anxiety.
Contact Information: Elizabeth Reichert, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford Child Psychiatry
401 Quarry Road
Palo Alto, CA 94305
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Shea Fedigan, PhD (Co-Chair)
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford Child Psychiatry
401 Quarry Road
Palo Alto, CA 94305
[email protected]

SIG website:


Child and Adolescent Depression SIG

The Child and Adolescent Depression SIG works to promote dissemination of research and information related to the etiology and treatments of youth depression and provide a forum for networking and collaboration among researchers and practitioners. We focus on areas of common interest in child and adolescent depression that include assessment, intervention, prevention, translation of theoretical research into effective intervention, and development and dissemination of empirically based treatments. The Child and Adolescent Depression SIG offers an annual award for best poster presentation at our SIG poster presentation at the ABCT convention. Additionally, we organize a networking social event as part of the annual Convention.

We publish a newsletter three times a year and are available to connect via Facebook and our webpage:

Contact Information: Laura Frazee
12837 Flushing Meadows Dr., Suite 220,
St Louis, MO 63131
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 214-354-4347

SIG Website:


Child Maltreatment and Interpersonal Violence SIG

The Child Maltreatment and Interpersonal Violence SIG provides an opportunity for ABCT members with interests related to child physical and sexual abuse, neglect, psychological abuse, intimate partner violence, elder abuse, and sexual violence to network and exchange ideas about current research and clinical issues in these areas. In addition to fostering professional relationships, this group seeks to: 1) promote research and empirically-based interventions addressing the many facets of child maltreatment and interpersonal violence; 2) facilitate the dissemination of research findings to help professionals address the needs of those impacted by child maltreatment and interpersonal violence, and; 3) increase professional and societal awareness of issues related to maltreatment and violence. SIG members receive our SIG newsletter and informational emails with news, activities, and opportunities related to violence and abuse.

Contact Information: Kate Theimer, PhD (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 402-639-1648

Contact Information: Molly Franz, PhD (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]

SIG Website:

SIG Twitter:

SIG Facebook:

Climate Change and Mental Health SIG

Contact Information: Katherine Crowe, Ph.D., SIG Co-Chair 
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Eric Lewandowski, Ph.D., SIG Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]


Clinical Psychological Science SIG

This Special Interest Group is focused on the promotion of empiricism and scientific inquiry across the practice of clinical psychology, from research to clinical practice, to teaching and training. The four main pillars of the SIGs mission are promoting: (1) training; (2) rigorous, open science; (3) science in public policy; (4) scientifically-informed practice. The Clinical Psychological Science SIG will support and elicit symposia, round tables, and posters. The SIG will also foster conversations across ABCT that address broad problems and challenges in scientific inquiry, including empirical replication (i.e., the so-called replication crisis), methodological issues in clinical science (including open science initiatives), pseudoscience, and the use of psychological science to inform public policy. The aim of this SIG is to reach across the diverse content interests at ABCT through collaboration with other SIGs. The Clinical Psychological Science SIG will provide a special home for critical conversations about the role of psychology as a science across all fields of interest. The SIG is also closely involved with the Society for the Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP) organization.

Contact Information:Dorian A. Lamis, PhD, ABPP (Chair)
Emory University School of Medicine
Email: [email protected]


Clinical Psychology at Liberal Arts Colleges SIG

CPLAC SIG is devoted to developing community and sharing resources for clinical psychology faculty, students, and alumni of liberal arts colleges. This group comprises clinical scientists who are committed to promoting evidence in their teaching, research and clinical practices. The goals of this group are to: provide a forum for members to communicate about issues related to conducting research in clinical psychology at liberal arts colleges; foster collaborations among researchers at liberal arts colleges; facilitate communication and sharing of resources related to teaching clinical psychology (and related topics) at the undergraduate level; provide support and professional networking opportunities for members, including clinical psychology graduate students interested in faculty jobs at liberal arts colleges as well as student alumni applying to graduate school and faculty positions.

Contact Information: Joanna Herres (Co-Chair)
Associate Professor
2000 Pennington Road
Ewing NJ 08628
Phone: 609-771-2643
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Danielle Lindner, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Stetson University
Email: [email protected]

SIG website:



Clinical Research Methods and Statistics SIG

The Clinical Research Methods and Statistics Special Interest Group (SIG) is a group within the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Our members represent a variety of backgrounds from science, academia, and clinical practice. We aim to improve cognitive behavioral research and practice through the application and dissemination of advanced research methods, both for the advancement of assessment and treatment as well as helping to connect advanced research and clinical practice.

Contact Information: Nur Hani Zainal (Co-Chair)
Harvard Medical School
180 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA  02215
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Ki Eun (Kay) Shin, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
Long Island University, Post Campus
720 Northern Blvd., Life Science 149-14
Brookville, NY 11548
Email: [email protected]

To join the SIG Listserv:!forum/abctstats-sig/join
SIG website:


Cognitive Therapy SIG

The Cognitive Therapy SIG recognizes a wide diversity of approaches within Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, some placing emphasis on behavioral models, others on experiential models and others on cognitive models. The Cognitive Therapy Special Interest Group will focus on all forms of cognitive therapy that stress the central role of cognitive processing in the development, maintenance and treatment of psychopathology.
Contact Information: Bradford C. Richards, Ph.D., ABPP (Co-Chair)
The Cognitive Behavioral Institute of Albuquerque, LLC
1 San Rafael Ave Ne
Albuquerque, NM 87122-1116
Phone: (505) 823-1600
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: M. Todd Sewell, Ph.D.(Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]
Google Groups:
SIG Facebook page:


Collective Liberation & Intersectionality SIG

We believe that the field of psychology has the power to heal and build resilience against suffering at the hands of systemic oppression via: 1) The creation and development of ideas born out of compassion for all beings, not only just privileged groups, but also marginalized and intersectional 2) Practical, accessible, and innovative methods of intervention/dissemination/open science that reach all people, 3) Authentic, non-hierarchical connections with others who have the same mission and seek to speak their truth, 4) The empowerment of ALL people to challenge the status quo of oppressive dynamics within and without their individual communities. 5) Supporting the careers of scholar-activists seeking to challenge systemic oppression through the use of clinical science, empowerment, and effective activism for social justice.

Contact Information:

SIG Email:


Dissemination and Implementation Science SIG

The Dissemination and Implementation Science Special Interest Group (SIG) promotes research on how to better disseminate and implement evidence based practices by behavioral health care stakeholders (e.g., practitioners, policy-makers, consumers, etc.). Our goals include (1) helping members network with like-minded colleagues, (2) collaborating with stakeholders to identify what works for them, what they need, and how best to provide evidence-based practices, and (3) communicating the benefits of evidence-based practices in order to increase consumer demand for effective treatments.

Contact Information:

 Eating Disorders and Eating Behaviors SIG:

The Eating Disorders and Eating Behaviors SIG is a multidisciplinary group of behavioral professionals with clinical and research interests in factors related to body image, weight, health behaviors, and eating disorders. The purpose of the EDEB SIG is to foster communication and interaction among researchers and clinicians with shared interests in the characterization, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders and the promotion of health behaviors. SIG members engage in research and clinical work within a variety of topics including body image, disordered eating and eating disorders, weight stigma, weight and weight management, and include exploration of assessment, risk factors, and intervention. Members bring a wide range of expertise in biobehavioral, clinical, epidemiological and physiological aspects of eating-related disorders, making for lively and informative interaction.
Contact Information: Tiffany Brown, Ph.D., (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]
Contact Information: Rachel Butler (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]
SIG Website:
SIG Bluesky Social:


Forensic Issues and Externalizing Behaviors SIG

The Forensic Issues and Externalizing Behaviors SIG is dedicated to the application of cognitive-behavioral principles to the understanding, prevention, assessment and treatment of externalizing behaviors that put individuals at risk for harming others and themselves, and for criminal justice involvement. Members strive to understand and find better solutions for addressing a broad range of antisocial behaviors that lead to immeasurable human suffering worldwide, and to improve the lives of some of society’s most marginalized members and the lives of those impacted by antisocial behavior. Clinical and research activities span both community and forensic contexts and encompass such issues as: Antisociality, delinquency, anger, psychopathy, aggression, intimate partner and family violence, forensic assessment, oppositional and disruptive behaviors, sexual offending, addictions, recidivism, forensic treatment, policing, legal consultation, victimology, and various influences on antisocial behavior (sociocultural, dispositional, and environmental). A primary goal of the Forensic Issues and Externalizing Behaviors SIG is to provide a network for members to discuss up-to-date information related to research, application, and training on CBT principles relevant to at-risk and justice-involved individuals and their families. Interested professionals and students can be added to the Forensic Issues and Externalizing Behaviors Special Interest Group Google Group by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Contact Information: Kelly E. Moore, PhD (Co-Chair)
East Tennessee State University
420 Rogers Stout Hall, PO Box 70649,
Johnson City, TN37614
Phone: 423-439-4849
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Mandy D. Owens, PhD (Co-Chair)
University of Washington
1107 NE 45th St, Suite 120
Seattle, WA 98105
Phone: 206-685-4608
Email: [email protected]

SIG website:


Intimate Relationships Research and Treatment SIG

The SIG provides a forum for academic and professional networking among individuals conducting research and/or interventions with couples and intimate relationships. Areas of common interest include: interaction processes, individual differences, assessment, prevention, intervention and treatment, diverse relationship identities and structures, grant funding, translation of basic research about couples into effective intervention and treatment, methodology in couples research, and special problems facing relationships such as infidelity, sexual dysfunction and psychological and physical aggression.
Contact Information:

SIG website:


Jewish Issues in Cognitive-Behavioral Research and Practice SIG

We provide a welcoming and supportive professional space for people with diverse origins who identify as Jewish and seek to connect with others of Jewish religion, culture, and community. In addition, we welcome members of all religious/cultural affiliations who share an interest in understanding how attitudes towards, among, and within Jewish people affect clinical conceptualization and treatment from a CBT perspective. We advocate for and promote the study of historical, generational, and current antisemitism, trauma, and violence on the mental health of Jewish students, trainees, faculty, professionals, and the public. We seek to offer research collaboration opportunities, mentorship to students, collegial connection, and a forum to discuss issues relevant to Jewish mental health and research, broadly defined. Our members aim to help develop strategies for professionals at different levels of their careers to speak up in the face of discriminatory statements and actions regarding Jewish people and Judaism on both the individual and systemic levels.
Contant Information:


Latinx SIG

The HIBT SIG has two primary goals: (1) to support interest in clinical work and research focusing on Hispanic issues in behavior therapy, and (2) to raise awareness of behavior therapy activities in Latin America and Spain.
Contact Information: Cristina López, Ph.D.(Co-Chair)
Associate Professor and CON Diversity Officer
Medical University of South Carolina
College of Nursing and COM Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Phone: (843) 876-1034
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, PhD (Co-Chair)
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychological Science
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
E-mail: [email protected]

SIG website:

MA Level Training Education and Practice SIG

Contact Information: Matthew Capriotti (Co-Chair)
One Washington Square

Department of Psychology

San Jose CA, 95192-0120
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Edwin Bacalso (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]


Men’s Mental and Physical Health SIG

Contact Information: Douglas Gazarian, MA (Co-Chair)
Clark University, 950 Main Street
Department of Psychology
Worcester, MA 01610
Phone: 617-633-1547
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Ethan Hoffman, MA (Co-Chair)
Clark University, 950 Main Street
Department of Psychology
Worcester, MA 01610
Phone: 510-292-9671
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Jon Jampel, MA (Co-Chair)
Clark University, 950 Main Street
Department of Psychology
Worcester, MA 01610
Phone: 617-791-1270
Email: [email protected]

SIG Facebook page:


Military and Veteran Psychology SIG

The mission of the Military and Veteran Psychology SIG is to promote communication and collaboration among professionals interested in issues concerning military service and mental health. Populations of interest include military service members, veterans, and military families. Topics of interest include best practices, innovative treatments, training opportunities, and developing research in the areas of military culture, common issues effecting military personnel and families (e.g., PTSD, depression and suicide, substance abuse, re-adjustment difficulties, family issues, etc), and more. We welcome your involvement in our discussion groups and your submissions to the ABCT conference.
Contact Information: Andrew Sherrill, PhD (Chair)
Emory University
12 Executive Park Dr, Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30329
Email: [email protected]

SIG website:!forum/militarypsychsig


Mindfulness and Acceptance SIG

The goals of the Mindfulness and Acceptance SIG is 1) to provide a forum to members for the development and dissemination of a behavioral science infused with mindfulness and acceptance techniques-including the discussion of current controversies and limitations of current research and directions for future research in these areas; 2) to provide information for training in mindfulness and acceptance schemes; 3) to foster collaboration and free exchange among researchers and clinicians, and ; 4) to create opportunities for members to network with colleagues who share these common interests.
Contact Information: Megan E. Renna, PhD ( SIG Chair)
University of Southern Mississippi
Owings-McQuague Hall
118 College Drive
Hattiesburg, MS 39406
Phone: (203) 558-2168
Email: [email protected]
Google Groups website:!forum/abct_mindfulness


Native American Issues in Behavior Therapy and Research SIG

Contact Information: Evan White (SIG Chair)
Laureate Institute for Brain Research
6655 S Yale Ave
Tulsa, OK 74136
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 918-728-9335


Neurocognitive Therapies/ Translational Research SIG

The Neurocognitive Therapies/Translational Research SIG seeks to bridge the gap between basic and applied science in understanding the nature and treatment of psychiatric disorders. We are interested in multidisciplinary research and the application of cognitive and affective neuroscience to improve the conceptualization and effectiveness of interventions. Researchers and practitioners in this SIG are interested in brain imaging, neuropsychological and cognitive training, and related techniques as tools for increasing our understanding of anxiety, depression, addictions, schizophrenia, ADHD, and other disorders.
Contact Information: Marlene Strege, Ph.D. (SIG Chair)
3501 Forbes Ave. Suite420B
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 760-803-9704

Facebook page
Twitter page
SIG website:


Parenting and Families SIG:

The purpose of the Parenting and Families SIG is to promote the sharing of information related to parent and family-focused research and clinical work. Experienced researchers, clinicians, and students will find that the group listserv provides an excellent forum for discussion and dissemination of news related to the SIG’s mission, as well opportunities for career development and networking. The SIG also sponsors panel discussions and symposia, participates in the annual SIG exposition, and organizes a poster competition at ABCT’s annual convention. Finally, the SIG recognizes excellence in parenting and family-related research and clinical pursuits through student poster and lifetime achievement awards.

Contact Information: Dr. Corey Lieneman (Chair)
University of Nebraska Medical Center
510 S 42nd Steet
Omaha, NE 68105
Phone: 402-552-6007
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Lindsay Druskin (Student President)
EmaiL: [email protected]

SIG Email: [email protected]

SIG Website:

Google Groups website:!forum/abctparentingandfamiliessig

SIG Facebook page:


Personality and Personality Disorders SIG

The Personality/Personality Disorder SIG promotes research on cognitive-behavioral approaches to addressing personality disorders, along with the broad underlying dimensions of personality that underlie the expression of many forms of psychopathology. We aim to form a bridge between cognitive-behavioral treatment and emerging dimensional models of personality/psychopathology. We hope to: 1) provide a home for like-minded ABCT members to network; 2) increase awareness of the overlap between personality and psychopathology; and 3) Engage treatment experts in practical conversations about using transdiagnostic, personality-based approaches to streamline clinical care.

Contact Information (email us to join the Personality/Personality Disorders SIG Listerv!):
Shannon Sauer-Zavala, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]

Matthew Southward, Ph.D., (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected] 
Twitter: @ABCT_PPDsig

Psychedelic Research and Therapies SIG

The intent of the Psychedelic Research and Therapies SIG is to create space for and awareness of research relating to the rapidly growing field of psychedelic-assisted therapies. Despite growing empirical evidence of their effectiveness in reducing pathology across a variety of psychiatric disorders, (Luoma, et al., 2020; Bird, Modlin & Rucker, 2021; Jerome, et al., 2020), psychedelic-assisted therapies are still heavily stigmatized within academia as well as society more broadly. It is our hope that this SIG will help to destigmatize, bring awareness to, and encourage research ventures with those promising new treatment modalities, while also contributing to ABCT’s current efforts to create a more equitable and inclusive field.

Contact Information:
Dana Strauss, B.Sc., SIG Chair

Email: [email protected]


Psychosis and Schizophrenia Spectrum SIG

This SIG promotes the development, dissemination, and implementation of evidence-based interventions and behavioral assessments for persons experiencing, or at risk for, psychosis and problems on the schizophrenia spectrum. We are committed to the following core values that guide us in these efforts: 1. Biopsychosocial research as a fundamental tool for discovering and developing effective interventions and sound assessments. 2. The social context as a vital perspective from which to understand and address clinical problems. This includes: a) Research on stigmatization, diversity, and disparities in access to evidence-based treatments. b) Advocacy, mental health policy, and well-coordinated systems of care which promote our mission. c) Partnership with those who have lived experience with the mental health problems we address, their families, and other stakeholders in the system of care.
Contact Information: Emily Treichler, (SIG Chair)
Email: [email protected]
Contact Information: Julia Longenecker, PhD (Administrative Officer)
Email: [email protected] 

SIG website:
SIG Facebook:

Research in Clinical Practice SIG

The intent of this Special Interest Group is to provide a place where ABCT members who are doing or would like to do research in their clinical practice setting can share skills and resources and obtain collegial support. A group of like-minded professionals can also help its members develop an identity as a researcher-clinician that can provide a platform and support for their professional development and scientific work. We have established a listserve, hold a membership meeting at the conference, and sponsor a poster session and other presentations at the conference. Our goal is to help practitioners conduct research in their clinical practice setting that adds to the body of generalizable knowledge in our field, reduces the science-practice gap, and enriches the ABCT by increasing the numbers of listserve contributions, conference presentations, and journal submissions that represent science conducted by practitioners.
Contact Information: Jacqueline B. Persons (Co-Chair)
Phone: 360-951-4166
Email: [email protected]
Contact Information: Deidre Marsh (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]

Facebook Page:

Sexual and Gender Minority SIG:

The Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) SIG (formerly known as the Study of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues SIG) was re-named in 2017 to be more inclusive of the diverse range of sexual minority (e.g., gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer) and gender minority (e.g., transgender, genderqueer, non-binary) individuals in the SGM community. The purpose of the SGM SIG is to provide opportunities for networking, collaboration, and mentorship for researchers and clinicians interested in the application of cognitive and behavioral principles to understanding and improving SGM health. In line with the broader mission of ABCT, the SGM SIG actively promotes the extension of empirically validated CBT interventions to SGM populations as well as the development and dissemination of research and evidence-based training in how best to serve the SGM community.
Contact Information: Danielle S. Berke, Ph.D.(Co-Chair)
Hunter College, Department of Psychology
The Graduate Center
City University of New York
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 404-790-6459
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information:Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces, PhD
Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces, PhD
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 812-856-0866
Address: Indiana University – Bloomington
1101 E 10th ST
Bloomington, IN 47404

SIG website:

SIG Facebook:

SIG Twitter:

Google Groups page:


Spiritual and Religious Issues in Behavior Change SIG

This SIG promotes research on the roles that spirituality and religion play in psychosocial functioning, as well as empirically-based approaches to addressing these factors in treatment. The SIG also facilitates communication and collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and students who share these interests. Given the importance of spirituality and religion to the general public, we hope our efforts will extend the reach of ABCT.
Contact Information: Salman S. Ahmad, M.S.(Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Merranda Marie McLaughlin (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]

Please email if you are interested in joining!


Student SIG

The Student SIG of ABCT is specifically designed to be a forum for student communication about professional development and issues related to transitioning from student to professional. In addition, this group is designed to help students become more actively involved in ABCT.
Contact Information: Grace Hart (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Rebecca Mendoza(Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]
SIG Email: [email protected]
SIG Website:
SIG Facebook :
SIG Twitter:
SIG Instagram:


Suicide and Self Injury SIG

The purpose of the Suicide and Self-Injury SIG is to provide a forum for researchers, clinicians and students to review and discuss ongoing issues in the field of nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide.
Contact Information: Christopher D. Hughes, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
345 Blackstone Blvd., Potter Bldg. Rm 304
Providence RI 02906
Phone: 703-217-2072
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Martina Fruhbauerova, M.S (Co-Chair)
Email:  [email protected]

SIG Email: [email protected]

SIG Facebook page:

SIG Twitter Page: 


Technology and Behavior Change SIG

The Technology and Behavior Change SIG serves ABCT members who are interested using technology in research and practice to facilitate behavior change and improve health and human functioning. We are an interdisciplinary group of people that includes psychologists from varying backgrounds, clinicians, researchers, and students, as well as computer scientists, technology developers, and individuals involved in the industry of health behavior change. Our SIG offers members opportunities to learn, share information with others, to collaborate and to network with other like-minded professionals. Please contact us if you’d like to join.
Contact Information: Margaret Anton, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information: Ashley Knapp (Membership Coordinator)
Email: [email protected] 

SIG Email: [email protected]

SIG Facebook page:
SIG Twitter: @ABCTtechsig


Tic and Obsessive-Compulsive Related Disorders SIG

The purpose of the Tic and Impulse Control Disorders SIG is to promote research and treatment advances for tic disorders, impulse control disorders, and obsessive compulsive related disorders (e.g., trichotillomania, excoriation disorder, body-focused repetitive behavior disorders) by providing research experts, clinical experts, and students the opportunity to discuss these disorders with other interested persons.
Contact Information: Jennifer S. Schild, M.S. (Co-Chair)
Suffolk University, Department of Psychology
73 Tremont St., 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
[email protected]

Contact Information: Kirsten Bootes, M.A. (Co-Chair)
The University of Utah Department of Psychology
380 1530 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
[email protected]

Contact Information: Brandon X. Pittts, B.S. (Poster Chair)
Marquette University/Department of Psychology
833 N. 21st Street, Milwaukee WI 53233
(913) 424-9490
[email protected]


Women’s Issues in Behavioral Therapy SIG

The Women’s Issues in Behavioral Therapy SIG is open to all Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT, formerly AABT) members who are interested in women’s issues. We are committed to increasing women’s participation in all levels of conference activity and in ABCT governance, to increasing knowledge and awareness of women’s health and mental health issues, and to providing opportunities for women of ABCT to network with each other.
Contact Information: Michelle E. Roley-Roberts, PhD in Clinical Psychology (SIG Chair)
1124 Life Sciences Building
PO Box 6040 Morgantown, WV 26506
Phone: 402-572-2705
Email: [email protected]
SIG Email: [email protected]
SIG website: