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Postdocs & Jobs
ABCT has several resources available to help navigate the search for postdoctoral fellowships and jobs.
Visit the ABCT Job Bank for the latest positions.
the Behavior Therapist frequently publishes articles that are helpful to students who would like to learn about job options, postdoctoral fellowships, and the job search. Recent articles include:
- The Postdoctoral Search: Tips and Advice for the Hunt
- Taking Steps as Women in Academia: Struggles and Solutions
- Developing Your Intellectual Wheelhouse: A Guide for Young Faculty in a Psychology Department
- Jobs, Life, and Tenure at a “Teaching College”
- Nontraditional and Unexpected Paths to Success in Academia: Maximizing Options
- Thinking Outside the Box: How to Find Professional Opportunities Beyond the Ivory Tower
- The Road Less Traveled: Scientist-Practitioner-Entrepreneur
- Recent Trends in the Research-Oriented Clinical Psychology Academic Job Market