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Medical Education Resources Directory
At the bottom of the page you will find a link to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) educators who have agreed to be listed as potential resources to others involved in training physicians and allied health providers. In particular, the educators on this list have been involved in providing education in CBT and/or the theories underlying such interventions to medical and other allied health trainees at various levels. Detailed inclusion criteria appear below. The listing is meant to connect teachers across institutions and allow for the sharing of resources.
The principles and techniques behind cognitive and behavioral therapies provide a fertile ground for instruction. ABCT’s Academic Training and Education Standards Committee encourages both ABCT members and nonmembers in the role of educators to take advantage of CBT teaching resources below.
Time and availability to participate in such efforts may vary widely among the educators listed. It is up to the individuals seeking guidance to pick who they wish to contact and to evaluate the quality of the advice/guidance they receive. ABCT has not evaluated the quality of potential teaching materials and inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement by ABCT of any particular training program or professional. The people in this listing serve strictly in a volunteer capacity.
Inclusion criteria:
1. Must teach or have recently taught CBT and/or CB interventions in a medical setting. This may include psychiatric residents, medical students, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, or other allied health professionals, such as PT, OT, or RD. Teachers who exclusively train psychology graduate students, social workers, or master’s level therapists do not qualify and are not listed in this directory.
2. “Teaching” may include direct training or supervision, curriculum development, competency evaluation, and/or curriculum administration. Many professionals on the list have had a central role in designing and delivering the educational interventions, but all educational aspects are important.
3. Training should take place or be affiliated with an academic training facility (e.g. medical school, nursing school, residency program) and not occur exclusively in private consultations or paid supervision.
Please note that this list is offered as a service to all who teach CBT to the medical community and is not exhaustive.
To submit your name for inclusion in the Medical Educator Directory: If you meet the above inclusion criteria and wish to be included on this list, please send the contact information that you would like included, along with a few sentences describing your experience with training physicians and/or allied health providers in CBT to Shona Vas at [email protected] and include Medical Educator Directory in the subject line.
Descriptions of training programs, teaching outlines and/or syllabi, and other supplemental teaching materials for courses specific to medical training that can be shared with others (i.e., through posting on ABCT’s website or via the listserv) are also welcome. Please submit syllabi and teaching materials
Please email each file as an attached word document to [email protected], and include “Syllabus submission” in the subject line.