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Research Facilitation Committee (RFC)
Mission Statement
Current Members
Chair: Ryan J. Jacoby, Ph.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Shannon Sauer-Zavala, Ph.D.
University of Kentucky
David Langer, Ph.D.
Suffolk University
Blair Wisco, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Abby Adler Mandel, Ph.D.
The Catholic University of America
Shawn Jones, Ph.D.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Anu Asnaani, Ph.D.
University of Utah
Joseph Carpenter, Ph.D.
National Center for PTSD
Alex Daros, Ph.D.
University of Windsor
Danielle Weber, Ph.D.
University of Georgia
Alexandra Wojda-Burlij
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill / Durham VA
Ramya Ramadurai
Student Member | American University
Primary Activites
Graduate Student Research Grant (GSRG)
We advertise and review the GSRG annually (applications are due in March), which is a merit and need-based award that provides up to $1,000 to facilitate and support graduate student research. The purpose of this grant is to provide funding for doctoral student research that demonstrates a clear financial need in order for the project to succeed. For more details and to apply, please visit the ABCT Awards page (go to the “Open Student Awards” tab). For a list of past award winners, click here.
Spotlight on a Researcher
We select and interview researchers for our Spotlight on a Researcher feature 3 times per year (in addition to profiling the GSRG winner) whose research falls into one of three categories: (1) early career researcher, (2) mid-career researcher, (3) researcher who does work focused on reducing health disparities and/or the mental health of marginalized groups. For a list of past featured researchers and to nominate yourself or another researcher, click here.
Find-a-Researcher Directory
Coming soon! We're currently working with ABCT leadership/staff to put together a research directory (like the find-a-clinician directory) where members can easily find people with similar interests to serve on symposia, consult on grants etc.
Collecting and Disseminating Research Resources
This is a work in progress! Please visit us here.
Join us!
To apply to join our committee, visit ABCT's Getting Involved page.
Featured Researcher
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