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ABCT Funds
Strategic Impact Fund
The Strategic Impact Fund provides resources to support ABCT’s organizational priorities. Current objectives include enhancing member value through responsive programming and technological adaptation, expanding the ABCT membership by nurturing an atmosphere of belonging, and advancing the cause of health equity within ABCT and throughout the profession. It is ABCT’s only unrestricted strategic fund that can be allocated flexibly.
The Dr. Mary Cover Jones “Partners in the Studies of Human Lives” Honorary Award and Lecture Series
The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies’ (ABCT) Dr. Mary Cover Jones “Partners in the Studies of Human Lives” Honorary Award and Lecture Series will celebrate the pioneering legacy of Mary Cover Jones, “Mother of Behavior Therapy.”
This award and lecture series will recognize those early- to mid-career ABCT members continuing the legacy of Dr. Jones by: 1) asking impactful questions to “reduce and eradicate suffering” in youth, from early childhood through emerging adulthood; and 2) advancing clinical science, its teaching, and dissemination while demonstrating meaningful community connections or partnerships. The award aims to showcase the range of scientist-practitioners who are innovating either with small sample clinical studies that set the stage for the advancement of youth treatment or larger-scale community efforts.
The Award and Lecture Series may be featured at ABCT’s Annual Convention or throughout the year. Monies will support presenter honoraria, award, and travel.
Youth Community Leader Award
The Youth Community Leader Award recognizes outstanding kids and teens (7–17 years old) who are making a positive impact on their local community.
These local leaders have furthered the mission of ABCT by advancing the well-being of other individuals through community engagement, service, activism, advocacy, research, and other creative approaches.
Candidates for the award will be from the local and surrounding area where ABCT holds its Annual Convention each November. Recipients will be recognized at the Friday-night Awards Ceremony and will receive a cash prize of $200 and an award. Up to 5 awards will be given annually.
Student Convention Travel Award
This award is designed to recognize excellence among ABCT student presenters and to help reduce travel expenses associated with attending at the convention. The award is given to an individual who is presenting at the annual convention and demonstrates independence and innovation for the field.
Student Research Grant
This award is designed to provide ABCT graduate students with funding to support their thesis or dissertation research project. Based on both merit and need, this award is given to students whose research is not funded through other sources. This award is reviewed by the Research Facilitation Committee with final approval by the Board of Directors.
Anne Marie Albano Early Career Award for Excellence in the Integration of Science and Practice
The purpose of this award is to recognize early career professionals who share Dr. Albano’s core commitment to integrating science and practice. This award includes a cash prize to support travel to the ABCT Annual Convention and attendance at a clinical treatment workshop. Preference is given to applicants with a demonstrated interest in and commitment to child and adolescent mental health care.
Michael J. Kozak Critical Inquiry and Analytical Thinking Award
“Clarity of writing reflects clarity of thinking.” This statement reflects the overarching goal that Michael J. Kozak sought to achieve himself and that he vigorously encouraged others to reach as well. Accordingly, recipients of this award from ABCT should embody this same spirit in their own work. Dr. Kozak was able to achieve this high standard and promote its achievement in others with great skill and kindness, so recipients should also conduct themselves in such a way in their professional lives. This award will be given on alternate years.
John R.Z. Abela/Leonard Krasner/Virginia A. Roswell Dissertation Awards
These awards are given to students whose doctoral dissertation proposal demonstrates excellence in advancing behavior therapy. The award can be used to support the student’s research or to facilitate their travel to the ABCT convention.
Donate to the John R.Z. Abela Dissertation Award
Sobell Innovative Addictions Research Award
This award is given to an individual who, through one or more research studies, has developed an innovative and novel line of research or assessment/analytic tool or method that advances the understanding and/or treatment of addictions. The emphasis is on behavioral and/or cognitive research or research methods that are new and have yielded exceptional breakthroughs in knowledge.
The Francis Cecil Sumner Excellence Award
The Francis Cecil Sumner Excellence Award is named in honor of Dr. Sumner, the first African American to receive a Ph.D. in psychology in 1920. Commonly referred to as the “Father of Black Psychology,” he is recognized as an American leader in education reform. The award is intended to acknowledge and promote the excellence in research, clinical work, teaching, or service by an ABCT member who is a doctoral student or early career professional within 10 years of award of the PhD/PsyD/EdD/ScD/MD who identifies as Black or Indigenous. The award is given to recognize that Black and Indigenous practitioners and scholars are underrepresented, despite making important contributions to our field. The Francis Cecil Sumner Excellence Award is meant to reflect the overarching goal of ABCT supporting its members of color.
All awards except the Impact Fund and Student Research Grant are listed on our website Awards page with details for the submitter.
Student Travel Award Testimonial
“Thank you to ABCT and all of the generous donors supporting graduate student research! The ABCT convention has been a key professional development opportunity for me throughout my post-baccalaureate and graduate student career. The 2022 ABCT Student Travel Award supplied me with the necessary resources to travel for this year’s conference, share my recent work, and continue to grow by networking and learning from experts as well as other talented students.”
Student Travel Award Testimonial
“Thank you to ABCT and its donors for funding graduate student research and travel to the ABCT national conference. By attending this conference, I am able to present my research, learn from colleagues and folks more senior in the field, and connect with fellow researchers – all in service of advancing research that promotes social justice for underrepresented and marginalized communities. Thanks again!”
Additional Giving Options
Remember ABCT in your estate planning
An important and overlooked means of ensuring that our work continues is by making a bequest to ABCT in your will. The Federal Government encourages such gifts by allowing an unlimited estate tax deduction. Oftentimes these funds are designated for the Fund for the Future, which insures the functioning of ABCT in perpetuity. ABCT is 501(c)3 organization.
Financial advantages for the donor
Through planned giving, donor friends can make a lasting contribution that both benefits them and at the same time supports a great organization.