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Hearts Break for Those Who Were Killed
Our hearts break for those who were killed, those who were hurt, those who have lost family or friends, and those who, like us, just share in the pain of the recent tragedies in El Paso and Dayton. As researchers and therapists who devote our lives to treating people on the wrong end of tragedy, we work to help. For those who want to explore healing, we have fact sheets that describe Trauma, PTSD, Grief.
In addition to sending our support to victims of the recent shootings, ABCT strives to be a welcoming and inclusive organization and we want to recognize the particular kind of harm incurred by racist attacks like the one that took place in El Paso this weekend. The target of these attacks was a community that has historically been a welcoming haven for immigrants and Hispanics/Latinxs. ABCT aims to support research and evidence-based clinical care by and for these exact groups. We reject the narrative that these acts of violence are a “mental health problem” as opposed to a mix of factors, including racism, cultural norms around gun violence, and radicalization of youth through the internet. To place the burden on evidence-based practitioners to predict these acts of unspeakable violence ignores the significant structural and cultural forces that give rise to such attacks, in turn leading to further marginalization of the targeted groups.
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