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New Orleans in November
The ABCT leadership and staff are very much aware of the surge in COVID-19, its variants, and the potential impact on our November convention in New Orleans. The safety of our membership, attendees, and staff is a top priority.
This purpose of this message is to ensure you that the leadership and staff are carefully paying attention to the situation. We are hopeful that increases in vaccination rates in the New Orleans area as well as a vaccine for younger children coming in the next couple of months will have positive effects on the course of the pandemic. In the meantime, we are doing the research on the options available to us and the consequences of the decisions made. We ask you to be patient and give us the time required to collect the information. As soon as we have all the facts in place and have outlined a course of action, we will be back in touch with you. A convention of our size and scope has many facets to be considered. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and support.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to [email protected]
ABCT Board of Directors