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the Behavior Therapist Journal Submissions Information
The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies publishes the Behavior Therapist as a service to its membership. Eight issues are published annually. The purpose is to provide a vehicle for the rapid dissemination of news, recent advances, and innovative applications in behavior therapy.
Feature articles that are approximately 16 double-spaced manuscript pages may be submitted.
Brief articles, approximately 6 to 12 double-spaced manuscript pages, are preferred.
Letters to the Editor may be used to respond to articles published in the Behavior Therapist or to voice a professional opinion. Letters should be limited to approximately 3 double-spaced manuscript pages.
Submissions must be accompanied by a Copyright Transfer Form: submissions will not be reviewed without a copyright transfer form. Prior to publication authors will be asked to submit a final electronic version of their manuscript. Authors submitting materials to tBT do so with the understanding that the copyright of the published materials shall be assigned exclusively to ABCT. Electronic submissions are preferred and should be directed to the editor at [email protected].
Manuscripts must include a Conflict of Interest/Disclosure statement, as well as any relevant information on funding sources. Click here for complete policies on tBT’s guidelines.
Copyright forms should be emailed to Nataliya Turchmanovych-Hienkel at [email protected].
Please include the phrase tBT Submission and the author (e.g., tBT Submission – Smith et al.) in the subject line of your e-mail. Include the corresponding author’s e-mail address on the cover page of the manuscript attachment. Please do not forget to send the completed copyright transfer document to Nataliya Turchmanovych-Hienkel at [email protected].
See the complete policies on the Behavior Therapist’s publications guidelines.
Nataliya Turchmanovych-Hienkel at [email protected].