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Antonuccio Wins Research Award
The National Register of Health Service Psychologists presented its 2020 Alfred M. Wellner Lifetime Achievement Award for Research Excellence to ABCT Emeritus member David O. Antonuccio, PhD, ABPP, of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine.
The Wellner awards, offered for research and clinical excellence, are the highest honors bestowed on a Registrant to commemorate numerous and significant contributions to psychology during a distinguished career.
Dr. Antonuccio was cited for his numerous professional accomplishments, dedication to advocacy, and leadership in psychology. Among these many accomplishments, Dr. Antonuccio testified in the 2004 FDA hearings on the increased suicide risk of antidepressants in children, testimony that contributed to the black box warnings on antidepressant use in children. He has published and presented extensively on the efficacy of antidepressants and on the behavioral treatment of smoking cessation.