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ABCT Stands with CAAPS Against Implementation of EPPP-2
You may be aware that the Association of State and Provisional Psychology Boards created an additional licensing exam. This second test, the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology “Skills” test (EPPP2), is a separate test that is in addition to the knowledge test that currently exists (EPPP). Although there are significant concerns with this additional test, and only a handful of states and territories have adopted it, there is a push by ASPPB to make it required for all states, provinces, and territories. Although CUDCP and other stakeholders have attempted to work with ASPPB to address concerns with this test, those initiatives have broken down.
If you are concerned about the extra time, cost, and burden that this will cause your graduates — without clear evidence of validity or utility (and other concerns) — please consider engaging your faculty, students, graduates, and others within your state to contact your licensing boards and express your concerns.
Please use the following website to facilitate contacting your boards:
You can find your state licensing board’s contact information here: .
To see a list of resources that articulate the concerns about the EPPP, please go here: .
Please distribute this email widely.
Photo courtesy Samorn Tarapan