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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple

 MSRP: $15.99  Format: Paperback  Author: Seth Gillihan  Category: Cognitive Behavior Therapy  Publisher: Althea Press  Published: 2018  ISBN: 1939754852  ISBN-13: 978-1939754851

(From Amazon:) Presented with simple and straightforward language, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple encourages readers to succeed with:

*Practical explanations of 10 essential CBT principles such as challenging negative thought patterns, behavioral activation, and overcoming procrastination organized in a similar structure to in-person cognitive behavioral therapy

*Supportive guidance for creating goals and outlining strategies to help yourself meet them
*Helpful self-evaluation sections to help you track your progress and reflect on what you’ve learned using cognitive behavioral therapy

About the Author(s)

Seth Gillihan

Seth J. Gillihan, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Psychiatry Department at the University of Pennsylvania. He has a clinical practice in Haverford, PA, where he specialized in CBT and mindfulness-based interventions.

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