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Cognitive Processing Therapy

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Todas las personas experimentan estrés en sus vidas, pero cuando un evento o una serie de eventos son excepcionalmente estresantes, se llama trauma o una experiencia traumática.


Trastornos de Ansiedad

La ansiedad es una emoción normal y una experiencia común, y representa unas de las emociones humanas más fundamentales.


What to Expect From Therapy

In general terms, psychotherapy is a relationship in which one person enlists the professional assistance of another for the purpose of bringing about changes in his or her own feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and/or behavior.



Everyone experiences stress in their lives, but when an event or series of events is exceptionally stressful, it is called a trauma or traumatic experience.


Sexual Assault

Anyone — men, women, and even children — can be sexually assaulted.

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