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Adults (65+)

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El envejecimiento nos impacta a todos- esto incluye nuestras propias experiencias con la an-cianidad junto con aquella de nuestra familia y amigos.


Family Caregiving

Family Caregiving: most caregivers live longer than individuals who are not involved in providing care to another person

Gun Violence Briefing Book

Gun Violence Briefing Book

Gun Violence: a briefing book for journalists to help put guns and violence in context and provide an overview of how CBT might help to combat those elements that promote violence and sooth the effects of the trauma witnessed upon others.

Suicide Briefing Book

Suicide Briefing Book

Suicide Briefing Book: A resource for the media and lay people looking to better understand, write about, or talk about suicide.



Most older adults are less likely than younger adults to have common mental health conditions

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