Christina Caron of the New York Times provided a very positive review of CBT-I, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, that alleviates sleep problems in more than ¾ of users.
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Sleep Disorders (Insomnia / etc.)
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Reducing Teen Social Media Use with CBT
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Sleeping Better with CBT
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Binge Eating Disorder
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10th World Congress Abstract Submissions
There is still time to submit abstracts for Open Papers, Symposia, Half-Day In-Congress Workshops, Panel Debates, Clinical Round Tables and Posters, but the deadline is fast approaching: February 12, 2023.
Sleep Disturbances and COVID
CBT is an evidenced-based treatment that can help alleviate symptoms of insomnia and other sleep disturbances
Noah Clyman
Noah Clyman is the founder and director of the group practice, “NYC Cognitive Therapy,” located in Herald Square Manhattan. It is the first CBT center that places particular emphasis on diversity.
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