The Treatment Mechanisms, Community Empowerment, and Technology Innovations (TCT) Lab, located in the Department of Psychology at University of Utah, is directed by Anu Asnaani, Ph.D.
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Related Items
Be sure to check the resources below.
The Implementation Research Division (IRD) Lab
The Implementation Research Division (IRD) at the Baker Center for Children and Families (an affiliate of Harvard Medical School) is led by Kelsie Hanako Okamura, Ph.D.
The Center for OCD, Anxiety and Related Disorders for Children (COACH)
The Center for OCD, Anxiety and Related Disorders for Children (COACH), located in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins University, is directed by Joseph F. McGuire, Ph.D.
Activación Conductual
La Activación Conductual es un enfoque de tratamiento psicológico que nos ayuda a involucrarnos rutinariamente en actividades personalmente gratificantes.
Behavioral Activation
Behavioral Activation is a psychological treatment approach that helps us connect with and routinely involve ourselves in personally rewarding activities.
The Borderline Personality Disorder, Emotion Science, and Treatment Lab (BESTLab)
The Borderline Personality Disorder, Emotion Science, and Treatment Lab (BESTLab), located in the Department of Psychology at Palo Alto University, is directed by Janice Kuo, Ph.D.
The Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Lab
The Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Lab is located in the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Florida, and the Department of Psychology of West Virginia University. Directed by Cheryl B. McNeil, PhD.
The Suicide & Emotion Dysregulation Lab/New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center (SEDL/GVRC)
The Suicide & Emotion Dysregulation Lab/New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center located at the Rutgers School of Public Health is directed by Michael Anestis, PhD. The Suicide and Emotion Dysregulation Laboratory (SEDL) was founded when Dr. Anestis was a faculty member in the clinical psychology doctoral program at the University of Southern Mississippi. In 2020, Dr. Anestis accepted a position as the Executive Director of the New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center (GVRC) and an Associate Professor in the School of Public Health at Rutgers. SEDL then became embedded within GVRC.
Kelsey Hudson
Dr. Kelsey Hudson a Clinical Psychologist who focuses on the intersection of mental health and climate change— particularly regarding young people and climate activists. I completed my PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Vermont in 2019 and my post-doctoral fellowship through the Child Program at Boston University’s Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD) in 2021.
Three-Quarters of Those Using CBT-I See Long-Term Improvements in Insomnia
Christina Caron of the New York Times provided a very positive review of CBT-I, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, that alleviates sleep problems in more than ¾ of users.
The Business of Serving Anxious Americans
A recent Wall Street Journal article discussed the industries aiming to fill a need for relief from anxiety. They point to various pills, some regulated and others not, gummies, CBD products, as well as wearables.
Self-Talk and CBT
Vocal Media’s recent article, “Is It Normal to Talk to Yourself?” discusses both the benefits and harms of self-talk.
Jeff Cohen
Dr. Jeff Cohen (he/him) is a clinical psychologist who provides cognitive behavior therapy to adolescents, adults, and couples at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Dr. Cohen offers psychotherapy in both the Manhattan (Columbus Circle) and Westchester locations of Columbia Doctors.
ABCT’s First CHANGE Leaders
Renee Zweig
Patients come to me because they want to feel better and to change unhealthy patterns.
Save the Date: ABCT Is Going to Pride
Registration opens May 16
Reducing Teen Social Media Use with CBT
reducing screen time reduces its negative effects
El envejecimiento nos impacta a todos- esto incluye nuestras propias experiencias con la an-cianidad junto con aquella de nuestra familia y amigos.
Sleeping Better with CBT
dCBT helps patients reclaim sleep, combat insomnia
Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month
Taking Care of Our Mental Health
Handling SOGIECE-related Articles in Behavior Therapy
Update Regarding Handling of SOGIECE-related Articles in Behavior Therapy
Bolster Your Climate Change Knowledge
Give Earth a Chance
Wishing All Who Celebrate a Joyous Passover
Chag Pesach kasher vesame’ach
It’s World Autism Acceptance & Awareness Day!
Help create a kinder, more inclusive world and let’s celebrate Autism Acceptance and Awareness Day, today and every
The EMPOWER Lab “Engaging Minorities in Prevention, Outreach, Wellness, Education, & Research” is directed by Isha W. Metzger, PhD at Georgia State University.
Black youth are more likely to experience potentially traumatic stressors including abuse, neglect, racial trauma, and discrimination. The research of the EMPOWER Lab is aimed at preventing engagement in risky behaviors as well as understanding risk and resilience factors that impact the relation between trauma exposure and problematic outcomes.
Treating Race-Based Traumatic Stress
If you are dealing with the psychological wounds of racism, therapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy, can teach you strategies to settle your body, reduce unhelpful thinking patterns, and intervene in systems that impinge on your mental health and wellness.
Ramadan Mubarak to all who celebrate.
Saluting those who celebrate Ramadan
Celebrating International Women’s Day
Saluting the World’s Women
Alcohol May Increase Risk of Developing Anxiety Disorder
while alcohol may provide temporary relief from specific symptoms, persistent use of alcohol may impact the body in ways that increase the risk of developing an anxiety disorder
Join ABCT and WCCBT in our effort to disseminate CBT
Complete a survey about disseminating CBT
Support for Veterans Experiencing Mental Health Concerns.
cognitive behavioral therapy has shown strong evidence in supporting suicide prevention
Binge Eating Disorder
LGBTQ+ individuals may be more susceptible to developing eating disorders because of minority stress and gender dysphoria
Commemorating Black History Month
Saluting the African-American cowboy
ABCT supports increasing funding to expand evidence-based, developmentally appropriate opioid and substance use treatment for youth.
ABCT joins call for increased funding for substance use disorder treatment in youth.
Commemorating Black History Month
Saluting Paul Laurence Dunbar, poet and novelist
In Memoriam: Charles Silverstein
Silverstein led the march to declassify homosexuality as an illness in the DSM
Commemorating Black History Month
Saluting Alvin Ailey, modern dance choreographer
Commemorating Black History Month
Saluting Horace Pippin, self-taught folk artist
Commemorating Black History Month
Saluting the Black Devils, the Harlem Hell Fighters, the 370th Regiment, and the 372nd Regiment in the First World War
Commemorating Black History Month
Saluting Robert Hayden, the Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress
Commemorating Black History Month
Saluting the engineer and officer, Henry Ossian Flipper
Commemorating Black History Month
Saluting the abolitionist and suffragette, Harriet Tubman
Commemorating Black History Month
Saluting service by the Black Troops on the American Frontier
10th World Congress Abstract Submissions
There is still time to submit abstracts for Open Papers, Symposia, Half-Day In-Congress Workshops, Panel Debates, Clinical Round Tables and Posters, but the deadline is fast approaching: February 12, 2023.
The Knouse Lab (KNAB), located in the Department of Psychology at the University of Richmond, is directed by Laura E. Knouse, Ph.D.
Dr. Knouse partners with undergraduate student researchers to investigate self-regulation problems in people with and without ADHD with a focus on better understanding the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes that contribute to effective and ineffective self-regulation and motivation.
The Research Enhancing Access to Culturally Informed Mental Health Services (REACH) Laboratory, located in the Department of Psychological Science at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, is co-directed by Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, PhD and Bianca T Villalobos, PhD.
For prospective students applying to our lab, you don’t have to be Latinx to want to research Latinx health disparities; allies are vital to furthering our mission to reduce disparities.
Sleep Disturbances and COVID
CBT is an evidenced-based treatment that can help alleviate symptoms of insomnia and other sleep disturbances
the Behavior Therapist: Paper or Electronic?
You have an opportunity to determine how we deliver one of the most revered member benefits.
Hannah Levy
Hannah Levy is a staff psychologist at the Anxiety Disorders Center at the Institute of Living/Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut.
The Child and Adolescent Research in Emotion (CARE) Lab, located in the Department of Psychology at Lawrence University, is directed by Lori M. Hilt, Ph.D.
Hilt’s research involves understanding and preventing the development of psychopathology in adolescents, especially depression and self-injurious behavior.
Dr. Tina L. Boisseau Is Director of SOAR Lab at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
The SOAR lab strives to examine the emotional and behavioral factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of OCD and anxiety disorders.
Laura Holt is Charles A. Dana Research Associate Professor of Psychology at Trinity College in Hartford.
The Holt Research Lab investigates issues of importance to emerging adults with the goal of informing and disseminating interventions to improve emerging adults’ mental health and well-being.
How We Clutter
A person’s beliefs and emotions may lead to cluttered spaces.
Family Caregiving
Family Caregiving: most caregivers live longer than individuals who are not involved in providing care to another person
Noah Clyman
Noah Clyman is the founder and director of the group practice, “NYC Cognitive Therapy,” located in Herald Square Manhattan. It is the first CBT center that places particular emphasis on diversity.
Gun Violence Briefing Book
Gun Violence: a briefing book for journalists to help put guns and violence in context and provide an overview of how CBT might help to combat those elements that promote violence and sooth the effects of the trauma witnessed upon others.
CBT interrupts cycles of poverty, trauma, and incarceration
Forbes highlights program focusing on highly vulnerable individuals; showcases CBT’s effectiveness
Kelsey Pritchard
Pritchard’s dissertation, “Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Mood Disorders: Contextual, Biological, and Social Processes,” is a series of projects aimed to advance our understanding of intra- and interpersonal emotion regulation by examining biological and behavioral processes as mechanisms in affective change, emotional disorder risk, and negative interpersonal outcomes.
Christine Cha
Christine Cha is an Associate Professor (effective Fall 2021) in the Clinical Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she directs the Laboratory for Clinical and Developmental Studies (LCDS). Her research program aims to refine our understanding of suicide and self-injury among youth.
Race-Based Traumatic Stress
The effects of race-based traumatic stress are similar to other forms of trauma and adversity. Additionally, the toll from these experiences is cumulative.
Tode el mundo experimenta estrés. El estrés puede ser ocasionado por diversas causas: actividades diarias, relaciones entre personas, cambios en la vida, enfermedades, e inclusive, eventos divertidos.
Una fobia se defina como un miedo y/o una evitación de un objeto, actividad, o situación que el individuo sabe que es fuera de proporción al peligro actual que el objeto, actividad o situación posee.
Confronting Bad Behavior Is Not New
As the leadership and staff of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, we are shocked and saddened by the attack on the US Capitol and on American Democracy.
Time Out
Written by ABCT members Camilo Ortiz, Anne Marie Albano, Mitch Prinstein, Regine Galanti, Dan Hoffman, Tim Cavell, and Hillary Vidair, it dispels several myths about effective, evidence based discipline.
Maltreatment and Suicide
ABCT member Mitch Prinstein comments on the following article related to the link between childhood abuse and adult suicide.
Why Worry?
exposing worry’s deceit: Percentage of untrue worries in generalized anxiety disorder treatment
Coming Out of Hermithood
It is the year of the locust (ok, the cicada) who have been underground for 17 years waiting to emerge. And, for some of us, that’s how it might feel as we begin to encounter people beyond the confines of our house and Zoom.
Ten Steps to Cope With the Pandemic
We are currently facing a pandemic of a novel coronavirus that has already killed hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
Information on Opioids and the Opioid Crisis
Know what we’re confronting and how to take steps.
COVID for Kids
experts suggest that people should pay attention to their ideas, their feelings, and their actions when dealing with situations.
Here are some things for kids to consider.
Todas las personas experimentan estrés en sus vidas, pero cuando un evento o una serie de eventos son excepcionalmente estresantes, se llama trauma o una experiencia traumática.
El Suicidio
Aunque los hombres son más propensos a morir por suicidio, las mujeres son más propensas a intentar suicidarse.
La Timidez, el Trastorno de Ansiedad Social, y la Fobia Social
La timidez es el sentimiento de incomodidad, tensión, o ansiedad que comúnmente una persona puede experimentar cuando tiene que interactuar con otras personas, o cuando enfrenta la posibilidad de hacer algo en frente de otros.
El Asalto Sexual
La agresión sexual es un crimen que se ha convertido en un problema epidémico y puede ser un evento extremadamente estresante y aterrador que puede alterar severamente el estilo de vida del sobreviviente.
Estrés Postraumático
La mayoría de las personas experimentan eventos estresantes, pero cuando el evento es excepcionalmente estresante puede ser llamado trauma o experiencia traumática.
Trastorno Obsesivo-Comulsivo
Una vez considerado como un problema relativamente raro, el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC) es ahora conocido como una forma de trastorno mental común y frecuentemente debilitante.
Duelo Complicado
Experimentar la muerte de un ser amado es uno de los eventos más dolorosos de la vida.
Uso y Abuso de Drogas
Cuando hablamos de drogas, nos referimos a aquellas sustancias que afectan nuestro cerebro y, por lo tanto, nuestro comportamiento.
La Depresión
La depresión es un problema psicológico común, es experimentado por muchas personas en algún momento durante sus vidas.
Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad
El trastorno límite de la personalidad (TLP) es un desorden psicológico que afecta aproximadamente entre el 1% y 2% de la población.
Suicide Briefing Book
Suicide Briefing Book: A resource for the media and lay people looking to better understand, write about, or talk about suicide.
Trastornos de Ansiedad
La ansiedad es una emoción normal y una experiencia común, y representa unas de las emociones humanas más fundamentales.
Tomar bebidas alcohólicas ha sido prevalente en muchas sociedades a lo largo de historia.
Suicidio Adolescente
En las encuestas a estudiantes de la escuela secundaria, 8% a 10% reportan haber hecho un intento de suicidio.
early everyone worries at some time, and it is normal that worry increases when problems or dangers exist, or when a person faces something new or unknown.
What to Expect From Therapy
In general terms, psychotherapy is a relationship in which one person enlists the professional assistance of another for the purpose of bringing about changes in his or her own feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and/or behavior.
Unemployment can be associated with increases in depression and anxiety, trouble sleeping, decreased life-satisfaction, problems with alcohol abuse, and changes in physical well-being.
Trichotillomania, also known as hair pulling disorder (HPD), is a psychiatric illness affecting up to 4% of the population.
Adult Traumatic Brain Injury for Survivors of Brain Injury
Doctors also look at whether you were disoriented and confused at the time of injury, and how long this lasted. Stress can also cause people to be confused, disoriented, or have trouble remembering what is happening.
Adult Traumatic Brain Injury for Supporters of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury
Family members and loved ones or supporters play a critical and often underappreciated role in recovery after brain injury.
Adult Traumatic Brain Injury for Mental Health Professionals
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an alteration in brain function or mental status that results from external force.
Everyone experiences stress in their lives, but when an event or series of events is exceptionally stressful, it is called a trauma or traumatic experience.
Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth
People who identify as TGNC experience their gender as something different than what is stereotypically associated with their sex assigned at birth.
Tobacco Dependence
Much is known about the habit, including the fact that many of the facts which apply to smoking apply also to other forms of tobacco use, such as chewing tobacco, pipes, cigars, and snuff.
Understanding who is at risk for suicide involves understanding the complex factors among individual differences, long-term risk factors, and short-term risk factors
Stress can come from anywhere: day-to-day activities, relationships, work, life changes, illness, even from fun events.
Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorder
Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorders (CRSDs) involve a problem in the timing of sleep.
Shyness, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Social Phobia
It is that all-toofamiliar feeling of discomfort, tension, or anxiety that a person may experience when he or she has to interact with other people, or when he or she faces the prospect of doing something in front of others.
Sexual and Gender Minority Populations
“Sex” (or “sex assigned at birth”) refers to whether someone is labeled as male or female at birth (or before birth during an ultrasound).
Sexual Assault
Anyone — men, women, and even children — can be sexually assaulted.