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How Do I Choose a Therapist? - After the decision to seek therapy has been made, an individual may feel unsure about how to choose a therapist.
Treatment Options: CBT or Medication - Cognitive and behavior therapies (CBT) have been shown to work in broad range of disorders and for many problems not typically classified as psychiatric disorders.
What to Expect from CBT - There are many different forms of cognitive and behavioral therapies (CBT), and CBT approaches can be used to treat a broad range of disorders.
Panfletos en Español

Panfletos en Español

Find a CBT TherapistSearch through our directory of local clinicians.ABCT is pleased to offer the growing archive of "Fact Sheets" listed below. Fact Sheets provide an introduction to the disorder, its symptoms, and likely treatment approaches (with a particular...

Patient Bill of Rights

Patient Bill of Rights

ABCT’s Board of Directors have signed onto participating in solidarity with the Patient Bill of Rights.

Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Helpful tips and articles related to CBT concerns and issues selected for our website audience.

Panfletos en Español

Fact Sheets of ABCT

Find a CBT TherapistSearch through our directory of local clinicians.ABCT is pleased to offer the growing archive of "Fact Sheets" listed below. Fact Sheets provide an introduction to the disorder, its symptoms, and likely treatment approaches (with a particular...

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