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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

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Tode el mundo experimenta estrés. El estrés puede ser ocasionado por diversas causas: actividades diarias, relaciones entre personas, cambios en la vida, enfermedades, e inclusive, eventos divertidos.


Trastornos de Ansiedad

La ansiedad es una emoción normal y una experiencia común, y representa unas de las emociones humanas más fundamentales.



early everyone worries at some time, and it is normal that worry increases when problems or dangers exist, or when a person faces something new or unknown.


What to Expect From Therapy

In general terms, psychotherapy is a relationship in which one person enlists the professional assistance of another for the purpose of bringing about changes in his or her own feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and/or behavior.



Stress can come from anywhere: day-to-day activities, relationships, work, life changes, illness, even from fun events.

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