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Activación Conductual

Activación Conductual

La Activación Conductual es un enfoque de tratamiento psicológico que nos ayuda a involucrarnos rutinariamente en actividades personalmente gratificantes.

Self-Talk and CBT

Self-Talk and CBT

Vocal Media’s recent article, “Is It Normal to Talk to Yourself?” discusses both the benefits and harms of self-talk.

Activación Conductual

Family Caregiving

Family Caregiving: most caregivers live longer than individuals who are not involved in providing care to another person

Noah Clyman

Noah Clyman

Noah Clyman is the founder and director of the group practice, “NYC Cognitive Therapy,” located in Herald Square Manhattan.  It is the first CBT center that places particular emphasis on diversity.

Coming Out of Hermithood

Coming Out of Hermithood

It is the year of the locust (ok, the cicada) who have been underground for 17 years waiting to emerge. And, for some of us, that’s how it might feel as we begin to encounter people beyond the confines of our house and Zoom.

Activación Conductual


Todas las personas experimentan estrés en sus vidas, pero cuando un evento o una serie de eventos son excepcionalmente estresantes, se llama trauma o una experiencia traumática.

Activación Conductual

Uso y Abuso de Drogas

Cuando hablamos de drogas, nos referimos a aquellas sustancias que afectan nuestro cerebro y, por lo tanto, nuestro comportamiento.

Activación Conductual

La Depresión

La depresión es un problema psicológico común, es experimentado por muchas personas en algún momento durante sus vidas.

Activación Conductual

Trastornos de Ansiedad

La ansiedad es una emoción normal y una experiencia común, y representa unas de las emociones humanas más fundamentales.

Activación Conductual

Suicidio Adolescente

En las encuestas a estudiantes de la escuela secundaria, 8% a 10% reportan haber hecho un intento de suicidio.

Activación Conductual


early everyone worries at some time, and it is normal that worry increases when problems or dangers exist, or when a person faces something new or unknown.

Activación Conductual


Unemployment can be associated with increases in depression and anxiety, trouble sleeping, decreased life-satisfaction, problems with alcohol abuse, and changes in physical well-being.

Activación Conductual


Trichotillomania, also known as hair pulling disorder (HPD), is a psychiatric illness affecting up to 4% of the population.

Activación Conductual


Everyone experiences stress in their lives, but when an event or series of events is exceptionally stressful, it is called a trauma or traumatic experience.

Activación Conductual


Understanding who is at risk for suicide involves understanding the complex factors among individual differences, long-term risk factors, and short-term risk factors

Activación Conductual

Sexual Assault

Anyone — men, women, and even children — can be sexually assaulted.

Activación Conductual


Schizophrenia is a major mental illness which affects approximately 1 out of 100 in the world’s population.

Activación Conductual

Military Veterans Mental Health

Though military personnel and veterans can experience the full range of mental health conditions, research suggests they are more likely to be diagnosed with mood and anxiety disorders, including depression, panic, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as anger-related disorders.

Activación Conductual

Helping Children Cope With Divorce

There is a 50/50 chance that couples who marry today will divorce, and almost half of all children now growing up in the United States have seen or will see their parents’ marriage end.

Activación Conductual


Depression is a common psychological problem, experienced by many people at some time during their lives.

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