Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approaches are typical in treating trauma and anxiety across the lifespan. Trauma, a response to experiencing or witnessing an event that overwhelms your stress response and ability to cope, can be marked by several key components.
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Be sure to check the resources below.
CBT and the Gut-Brain Connection
CBT can be used to treat gut-related issues, especially those caused by stress, by providing psychoeducation, relaxation techniques, and cognitive restructuring to help alleviate symptoms.
“What Is CBT and Does It Actually Work” Reflection
Determining what kind of therapy is right for you can be a daunting task. A recent article published by Health Conscious titled “What Is CBT and Does It Actually Work” briefly describes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), an evidence-based treatment that has been shown to be effective for a variety of concerns.
Kelsey Hudson
Dr. Kelsey Hudson a Clinical Psychologist who focuses on the intersection of mental health and climate change— particularly regarding young people and climate activists. I completed my PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Vermont in 2019 and my post-doctoral fellowship through the Child Program at Boston University’s Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD) in 2021.
Tode el mundo experimenta estrés. El estrés puede ser ocasionado por diversas causas: actividades diarias, relaciones entre personas, cambios en la vida, enfermedades, e inclusive, eventos divertidos.
Ten Steps to Cope With the Pandemic
We are currently facing a pandemic of a novel coronavirus that has already killed hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad
El trastorno límite de la personalidad (TLP) es un desorden psicológico que afecta aproximadamente entre el 1% y 2% de la población.
Trastornos de Ansiedad
La ansiedad es una emoción normal y una experiencia común, y representa unas de las emociones humanas más fundamentales.
early everyone worries at some time, and it is normal that worry increases when problems or dangers exist, or when a person faces something new or unknown.
What to Expect From Therapy
In general terms, psychotherapy is a relationship in which one person enlists the professional assistance of another for the purpose of bringing about changes in his or her own feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and/or behavior.
Stress can come from anywhere: day-to-day activities, relationships, work, life changes, illness, even from fun events.