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Navigating Graduate School with Sexual or Gender Minority Identities and Interests - The aim of this panel is to provide current and prospective students who identify as members of the sexual and gender minority (SGM) community with a resource on considerations for navigating graduate school in a way that aligns with their values and goals.


El envejecimiento nos impacta a todos- esto incluye nuestras propias experiencias con la an-cianidad junto con aquella de nuestra familia y amigos.

The EMPOWER Lab “Engaging Minorities in Prevention, Outreach, Wellness, Education, & Research” is directed by Isha W. Metzger, PhD at Georgia State University.

The EMPOWER Lab “Engaging Minorities in Prevention, Outreach, Wellness, Education, & Research” is directed by Isha W. Metzger, PhD at Georgia State University.

Black youth are more likely to experience potentially traumatic stressors including abuse, neglect, racial trauma, and discrimination. The research of the EMPOWER Lab is aimed at preventing engagement in risky behaviors as well as understanding risk and resilience factors that impact the relation between trauma exposure and problematic outcomes.



Todas las personas experimentan estrés en sus vidas, pero cuando un evento o una serie de eventos son excepcionalmente estresantes, se llama trauma o una experiencia traumática.


Uso y Abuso de Drogas

Cuando hablamos de drogas, nos referimos a aquellas sustancias que afectan nuestro cerebro y, por lo tanto, nuestro comportamiento.



Tomar bebidas alcohólicas ha sido prevalente en muchas sociedades a lo largo de historia.


Suicidio Adolescente

En las encuestas a estudiantes de la escuela secundaria, 8% a 10% reportan haber hecho un intento de suicidio.



Unemployment can be associated with increases in depression and anxiety, trouble sleeping, decreased life-satisfaction, problems with alcohol abuse, and changes in physical well-being.



Everyone experiences stress in their lives, but when an event or series of events is exceptionally stressful, it is called a trauma or traumatic experience.


Tobacco Dependence

Much is known about the habit, including the fact that many of the facts which apply to smoking apply also to other forms of tobacco use, such as chewing tobacco, pipes, cigars, and snuff.



Understanding who is at risk for suicide involves understanding the complex factors among individual differences, long-term risk factors, and short-term risk factors


Shyness, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Social Phobia

It is that all-toofamiliar feeling of discomfort, tension, or anxiety that a person may experience when he or she has to interact with other people, or when he or she faces the prospect of doing something in front of others.


Opiod Use Disorder

Opioid use disorder is defined by regular use of opioids and at least two of the following symptoms: (1) taking more opioids than one wanted, or intended to; (2) having trouble cutting down on opioid use; (3) spending a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from the effects of opioids;


Drug Use and Abuse

When we speak of drugs, we mean those substances that affect our brain and, thus, our behavior.



Drinking beverages containing alcohol has been prevalent in many societies throughout history.

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