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ABCT Past Award Winners

Career/Lifetime Achievement

1995 Joseph Wolpe

1996 Andrew Salter

1997 Nathan Azrin

1998 Aaron T. Beck

1999 Arnold Lazarus

2000 Cyril Franks

2001 Albert Bandura

2002 Leonard Krasner

2003 Gerald C. Davison

2004 Leonard P. Ullmann

2005 Albert Ellis

2006 Edward B. Blanchard

2007 Steven C. Hayes

2008 David Barlow

2009 Edna B. Foa

2010 G. Alan Marlatt

2011 Antonette M. Zeiss

2012 Alan E. Kazdin

2013 Thomas H. Ollendick

2014 Lauren B. Alloy & Lyn Y. Abramson

2015 David M. Clark

2016 Marsha M. Linehan

2017 Dianne L. Chambless

2018 Linda Carter Sobell & Mark B. Sobell

2019 Philip C. Kendall

2020 Richard G. Heimberg

2021 Patricia A. Resick

2022 Dean Kilpatrick

2023 Stefan Hofmann

Outstanding Educator/Trainer

1997 Gerald Davison

2000 Leo Reyna

2003 Harold Leitenberg

2006 Marvin R. Goldfried

2009 Philip C. Kendall

2012 Patricia A. Resick

2016 Christine Maguth Nezu

2022 Lynn McFarr

Outstanding Researcher

1998 Alan Kazdin

1995 Edna Foa

2001 David H. Barlow

2004 Terence M. Keane

2007 Thomas D. Borkovec

2010 Steven D. Hollon

2013 Michelle G. Craske

2017 Jennifer P. Read

2021 Timothy A. Brown

Outstanding Clinician

1996 Albert Ellis

1999 Marsha M. Linehan

2002 Marvin R. Goldfried

2005 Frank M. Dattilio

2008 Jacqueline Persons

2011 Judith S. Beck

2015 Anne Marie Albano

2019 Cory F. Newman

2023 Robert Leahy

Mid-Career Innovator

2014 (in honor of G. Alan Marlatt) Carla Kmett Danielson

2018 Shannon Wiltsey Stirman

Outstanding Service to ABCT

2000 Linda C. Sobell & Mary Ellen Brown, AABT

2001 Dorothy J. Susskind

2002 Barry Lubetkin & Steven T. Fishman

2003 Lizette Peterson-Homer (in memoriam), Richard J. Seime, & Rosemary Park, AABT

2004 Arthur M. Nezu & Mary Jane Eimer, AABT

2005 G. Terence Wilson

2006 All individuals who have served as Secretary-Treasurer for the association

2007 Mitchell L. Schare

2008 Bob Klepac

2009 Arthur Freeman

2010 Gail Steketee, Michael W. Otto, Sabine Wilhelm, Stefan Hofmann, Mary Ellen Brown

2011 George F. Ronan

2012 Laura E. Dreer, Carl V. Indovina, PsyD, and Lynn McFarr (for their hard work on ABCT list-serve development and maintenance

2013 Kelly Koerner

2014 Michael Petronko & Mary Jane Eimer

2015 David A.F. Haaga

2016 Patrick L. Kerr

2017 David DiLillo

2018 Former Behavior Therapy Editors Richard G. Heimberg, Ph.D., Temple University; Thomas H. Ollendick, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; and Michelle G. Newman, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

2019 Carmen McLean

2020 Lata K. McGinn

2021 Shannon M. Blakey

2022 Anu Asnaani, Stephen Crane

2023 Members of the Task Force for Equity, Inclusion, and Access (RaeAnn Anderson, Ph.D., University of North Dakota; Anu Asnaani, Ph.D., University of Utah; Sierra Carter, Ph.D., Georgia State University; Christina Cho, Psy.D., Rutgers University; Ryan DeLapp, Ph.D., The Ross Center; Brian Feinstein, Ph.D., Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science; Christina Lopez, Ph.D., Medical University of South Carolina; Jae Puckett, Ph.D., Michigan State University)

Outstanding Mentor

2006 Richard G. Heimberg

2008 G. Terence Wilson

2010 Richard J. McNally

2012 Mitchell J. Prinstein

2014 Bethany Teachman

2016 Evan M. Forman

2018 Ricardo Muñoz

2020 David A. F. Haaga

2022 Susan W. White

Outstanding Training Program

1995 University of Mississippi Medical Center/Department of Veterans� Affairs Medical Center (Ronald Drabman, Training Director)

1996 Peter Monti, Brown University

1997 SUNY Stony Brook

1998 University of Georgia

1999 Clinical Psychology Training Programs at Rutgers

2000 VA Palo Alto Health Care System

2001 Clinical Psychology Training Program at West Virginia University

2002 Psychology Internship and Postdoctoral Programs at Wilford Hall Medical Center, Robert K. Klepac, Director of Psychology Training

2003 University of Washington Clinical Ph.D. Program, Robert J. Kohlenberg, Director of Training

2004 SUNY Binghamton, Clinical Psychology Program, Peter Donovick, Director of Training

2005 The May Institute, Walter P. Christian, President and CEO, and Dennis C. Russo, Chief Clinical Officer

2007 Ph.D. Program in Combined Clinical & School Psychology, Mitchell L. Schare, Ph.D., ABPP, Director of Training, Hofstra University

2009 SUNY Albany, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology (John Forsyth, Ph.D., Director of Clinical Training)

2011 Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School Predoctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology, Sabine Wilhelm, Ph.D., Director, Cognitive Behavior Therapy Program, and Steven A. Safren, Ph.D., Director, Behavioral Medicine Program

2013 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Clinical Psychology Training Program, David J. Hansen, Ph.D., Director

2015 Charleston Consortium Psychology Internship Training Program, Medical University of South Carolina (Co-Directors Dean G. Kilpatrick, Ph.D. and Daniel Smith, Ph.D.)

2017 Clinical Science Ph.D. Program, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Director, Lee D. Cooper, Ph.D.)

2019 Florida State University’s Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program (Jesse R. Cougle, Director)

2021 Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy

2023 Torrey A. Creed, Ph.D., Founder and Director, Penn Collaborative for CBT and Implementation Science, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine

Distinguished Friend to Behavior Therapy

1995 Plenum Press

1996 Daniel Goleman

1997 Anxiety Disorders Association of America

1998 Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation

1999 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

2000 Lisa Simon Onken and Jack David Blaine, NIDA

2001 Jeff Kluger (“What Are You Afraid of?”, Time)

2002 Anne Fletcher, (Sober for Good)

2003 John Allen, Chief of the Treatment Research Branch of the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

2004 Nora Volkow, NIDA

2005 Jon Kabat-Zinn, Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society, University of Massachusetts Medical School

2006 Jack Gorman, Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital

2007 Art Dykstra, CEO, Trinity Services

2008 Michael Davis

2009 B. Timothy Walsh, M.D., New York State Psychiatric Institute

2010 Paul Ekman, Ph.D., Paul Ekman Group, LLC

2011 The Honorable Erik K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs

2012 Michael Gelder, M.D., FRCPsych, University of Oxford, UK

2013 Mark S. Bauer, M.D., VA Boston Healthcare System

2014 Vikram Patel, FMedSci, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

2015 Benedict Carey, New York Times

2016 Patrick J. Kennedy

2018 Joel Sherrill, Ph.D., Division of Services and Intervention Research, NIMH

2019 Rod Holland & Philip Tata

2020 Andrea Petersen

2021 Bivian “Sonny” Lee III, Founder and Executive Director of Son of a Saint, New Orleans

2023: Connie and Steve Ballmer and the Ballmer Institute

Anne Marie Albano Early Career Award for Excellence in the Integration of Science and Practice

2016 Nicole Caporino

2017 Carmen P. McLean

2018 Joseph McGuire

2019 Jamie M. Furr

2020 Emily L. Bilek

2021 Christian A. Webb

2022 Anu Asnaani

2023 Lauren Quetsch

President's New Researcher

1979 Dianne Chambless

1980 J. Kelly

1981 Linda Craighead

1982 William Thrash

1983 Karen Bierman

1984 Edward Konarski, Jr.

1985 Janet St. Lawrence

1986 Thomas Wadden

1987 Richard Ingram

1988 Michael Carey

1989 K. Perkins

1990 Deborah Beidel

1991 Ernest Jouriles

1992 David Haaga

1994 Thomas Bradbury

1995 Steven Taylor

1996 Brian Cox

1997 Lynn Rankin-Esquer

1998 Michael Addis

1999 Diane L. Spangler

2000 Beth A. Kotchick and Lindsey L. Cohen

2001 Page Anderson

2002 Allison Harvey

2003 John R. Z. Abela

2004 Michael Zvolensky

2005 C. W. Lejuez (honorable mention: Matthew Nock)

2006 Christopher Beevers

2007 Jasper Smits

2008 Matthew Nock

2009 Bunmi Olatunji

2010 Matthew T. Tull

2011 Andres De Los Reyes

2012 Jonathan Comer

2013 Jesse Cougle

2014 Michael D. Anestis

2015 Rinad S. Beidas

2016 Cara C. Lewis

2017 Christian A. Webb

2018 Ryan Shorey

2019 Jessica L. Schleider

2020 Joseph McGuire

2021 Jonathan P. Stange

2022 Kristin Szuhany

2023 Jessica Hamilton

Student Dissertation Award

1995 Daniel Edwards, University of Florida

1996 John P. Forsyth, West Virginia University

1997 Giao Tran, American University

1998 Melissa Polusny, Mankato State University

1999 Amy Wenzel, University of Iowa; Elizabeth T. Miller, University of Washington

2000 Natalie Walders, Case Western University

Virginia Roswell Dissertation

2001 Jill T. Levitt, Boston University

2002 Sudie Back, University of Georgia

2003 Elizabeth M. Podniesinski, Boston University

2004 James MacKillop, SUNY Binghamton

2005 Sharon L. Cohan, San Diego State University

2006 Michael P. Twohig, University of Nevada

2007 Laura Allen

2008 Marina A. Bornovalova

2009 Diane Logan

2010 Margaret Sibley

2011 Katherine J. W. Baucom

2012 Caroline Oppenheimer

2013 Kaitlin P. Gallo

2014 Anahi Collado

2015 Danielle E. MacDonald

2016 Emily Georgia

2017 Maria Alexandra Kredlow

2018 Gabriela Khazanov

2019 Amy R. Sewart

2020 Alexandra Werntz Czywczynski

2021 Katherine Musacchio Schager

2022 Divya Kuman

2023 Emily Presseller

Leonard Krasner Student Dissertation

2009 Michael D. Anestis

2010 Shari Steinman

2011 Christian Webb

2012 Johanna Thompson-Hollands

2013 Sarah Royal

2014 Samantha Moshier

2015 Lauren E. Szkodny

2016 Tomislav Damir Zbozinek

2017 Shannon Blakey

2018 Eric Lee

2019 Michael Best

2020 Nur Hani Zainal

2021 Chelsea F. Dale

2022 Robyn A. Ellis

2023 Mackenzie Zisser

John R. Z. Abela Student Dissertation

2011 Katie C. Hart

2012 Amanda S. Morrison

2014 Mei Yi Ng

2016 Faith Orchard

2017 Carolyn Spiro

2018 Joanna Kim

2019 Natalie Rodriguez-Quintana

2020 Christopher J. Senior

Student Travel Award

2013 Gillian Alcolado

2014 Karen Guan

2015 Amy Kranzler

2016 Skye S. Fitzpatrick

2017 Dev Crasta

2018 Lillian Reuman

2019 Poppy Brown

2020 Katherine Venturo-Conerly

2021 Nur Hani Zainal, Cindy Chang

2022 Danielle Morabito, Thomas Le

2023 Min Eun Jeon
          Hila Sorka

Graduate Student Research Grant

For more, including select dissertations, visit the GSRG Winners Page.

2014 Ryan Jacoby, “A Translational Study of the Mechanisms of Exposure Therapy for Obsessions: Fear Tolerance vs. Habituation”

2015 Timothy Ritzert, “Transforming Fear: The Impact of Brief Values-Based Interventions on Approach Behavior in a Spider-Fearful Sample”

2016 Lauren Forrest, “Examining Objective Interoception as a Novel Prospective Predictor of Self-Injurious Behaviors”Honorable mentions: Casey May, “Reward Processing and Decision-Making in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)” & Rebecca Cox, “Sleep Restriction and OC Symptoms: The Mediating Role of Inhibition”

2017 Hannah Lawrence, “Physiological and Affective Correlates of Visual and Verbal Rumination in Adolescence”
Honorable Mention: Amanda Sanchez, “Cultural, Attitudinal and Stress-Related Barriers to Engagement With Internet-Delivered Services in Traditionally Underserved Children”

2018 Laurel D. Sarfan, Miami University (Ohio), “Using the Approach Avoid Task: Testing the Relation Between Implicit and Explicit Experiential Avoidance and Social Anxiety Symptoms”
Honorable Mention: Daniel P. Moriarity, Temple University, “Reward Sensitivity, Stress Reactivity, and Mood Psychopathology”

2019 Colin M. Bosma, “Individual Differences and Ecological Validity of Emotion Regulation in Response to Sadness”.
Honorable mentionShirley Wang, “Computational Modeling of Decision-Making Biases Associated With Restrictive Eating”

2020 Kelsey Pritchard, “Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Mood Disorders: Contextual, Biological, and Social Processes”.
Honorable mention: Christina L. Verzijl

2021 Quyen A. Do, “Intimate Partner Violence among Sexual Minorities in Consensual Non-Monogamous Relationships”
Honorable mention: Kathryn Coniglio

2022 Gabrielle Ilagan, “Invalidation, Identity-Related Minority Stressors, and Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms in the Flow of Daily Life”.
Honorable mention: Kiran Kaur, “Identifying the role of emotion regulation flexibility in the association between acculturative stress and anxiety symptomatology to develop an ecological momentary intervention”

2023 Alexa Raudales
Honorable mention: Mallory Cannon


Elsie Ramos Student Poster Award Winners


Amie Grills Virginia Tech “Peer Victimization and Social Anxiety in Middle School Children”

Elizabeth Cohen Boston University “Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Children After the World Trade Center Attack: Applying the Triple Vulnerability Model of Anxiety”

Shannon Wiltsey Stirman University of Pennsylvania “Do the Results of Randomized Controlled Trials Generalize to Clinical Populations?”


Nicole K.Y. Tang “The Role of Pre-sleep Cognitive Activity and Pre-sleep Anxiety in Distorted Perception of Sleep in Insomnia”

Ulrike Buhlmann “Interpretive Biases for Ambiguous Information in Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Text Comprehension Study:

Eric A. Storch “The Relationship of Peer Victimization to Social Anxiety and Loneliness in Adolescent Females”


Karen Brozina “The Youth Attributional Style Questionnaire vs. the Children’s Attributional Style Questionnaire: A Prospective Examination of Vulnerability to Depression”

Michelle Heffner “Experimental Support for the Use of Storytelling to Guide Human Behavior”

Sabina Sarin “The Relationship Between Core Beliefs and a History of Eating Disorders: An Examination of the Life Stories University Students”


Christina Aydin McGill University “Responses to Depression in Children: Reconceptualizing the Relationship among Response Styles”

Irene Belle Janis Harvard University “Negative and Liking it: The Possible Selves of Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder”

Lisa McTeague University of Florida “Comorbid Symptoms and Constructs of Negative Affect: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis “


Will M. Aklin University of Maryland “Further Construct Validation of the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) for Assessing Risk-Propensity in Inner-City Adolescents”

Yoshihiro Kanai Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan “Effectiveness of Video Feedback on Interpretive Bias for Bodily Sensations in Social Anxiety

Sandra Yu Rueger Northern Illinois University “Psychometric Properties of a Modified Version of the Children’s Attributional Style Interview in a Sample of First and Sixth Grade Children


Angela W. Chiu UCLA “Therapy Processes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Children with Anxiety: An Exploration of Early Therapeutic Alliance, Child Involvement and Treatment Outcome”

June L. Gruber University of California, Berkeley “Emotional Reactivity and Regulation in Bipolar Disorder Following Cognitive Reappraisal”

Brian Iacoviello Temple University “The Course of Depression in Individuals at High and Low Cognitive Risk for Depression: A Prospective Study”


Katharina Kircanski “Threat-Related Thought Suppression Enhances Memory Bias in Trait-Anxious Individuals”

Heather J. Risser “Automatically Activated Attitudes of Children: Does Child Abuse Potential Matter?”

Alyson K. Zalta “Gender Differences in a Cognitive Vulnerability Model for Generalized Anxiety”


Thomas Armstrong Vanderbilt University “Selective Attention in Contamination-Based OCD: Eye Tracking of Affective Content and Time Course”

Landon Fuhrman Yeshiva University “Rumination Without Differentiation: A Possible Risk Factor for Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Borderline Personality”

Nisha Sethi University of New South Wales “Ostracism Hurts, but Why for So Long? The Role of Focus of Attention and Reappraisal in Prolonging the Negative Effects of Ostracism”


Brooke Huibregtse, B.A. University of Minnesota “Testing the Longitudinal Association between Childhood Externalizing Disorders and Adult Borderline Personality Traits”

Abigail Jenkins, M.A. Temple University “The Relationship Between Form and Function in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury”

David H. Rosmarin, Ph.D. McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School “A Randomized Controlled Evaluation of a Spiritually Integrated Treatment for Subclinical Anxiety in the Jewish Community, Delivered Via the Internet”


Christopher C. Conway, M.A., UCLA

Michelle Goldwin, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago

Nathaniel Van Kirk, M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and University


Christine Cha, A.M. “Testing Mood-Dependent Behavioral Markers for Suicidal Behavior”

Amy Kranzler “Emotional Awareness: A Transdiagnostic Risk Factor for Internalizing Symptoms in Children and Adolescents?”

Christine Vinci “Effects of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Negative Affect and Urge to Drink in College Student Drinkers”


James Broussard, M.A. SUNY-Albany “Long-Term Gambling Outcomes Through Simulation: Use of a Slot Machine Simulator to Reduce Risky Gambling Behaviors in College Students”

Joseph F. McGuire, M.A. University of South Florida “Living with Tics: Reduced Impairment and Improved Quality of Life for Youth with Chronic Tic Disorders”

Anjana Muralidharan, Ph.D. Emory University “Goal-Directed Processing With Emotional Distracters in Recently Stabilized Young Adults with Bipolar Disorder”


Andrew McClintock Ohio University “Mindfulness-Based Treatment for Maladaptive Interpersonal Dependency: A Randomized Controlled Trial with College Students”

Erica Meyers Long Island University “Does Behavioral Extinction Treatment for Bedtime Resistance Negatively Impact a Child’s Attachment Behavior”

Julia Carbonella University of Miami “Hoarding Symptoms and Cognitive Flexibility on a Novel Eye-Tracking Task”


Morten Hveenegard, MSc. University of Copenhagen “Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy Versus Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Major Depression: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial”

Ashley Isaia, M.A. University of Illinois at Chicago “Predictors of Pre-Treatment Dropout Among Youth in Family-Based Psychosocial Treatment for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder”

Katerina Rnic, M.Sc. University of Western Ontario “Early Maladaptive Schemas and Persistent Effects of Social Rejection”


Chloe Hudson, M.Sc. Queens University “Prevalence of Depressive Disorders in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-Analysis”

Christian Goans M.S. University of North Texas “Universal Suicide Risk Screening in the Parkland Health & Hospital System: Evaluation of the Parkland Algorithm for Suicide Screening”

Kate Kysow, M.A. University of British Columbia “Effectiveness of Community-Based Interventions for Hoarding”


Emma Brett, M.S. Oklahoma State University “Incorporating values into personalized feedback interventions for college student drinking: A novel approach”

Jonah Meyerhoff, B.A. University of Vermont “Culturally-responsive Suicide Assessment Among Bhutanese Refugees Living in the United States”

Kristen E. Frosio, M.S. Oklahoma State University “The effects of worry and attention control on physiological arousal to safety cues during generalization”


Abel Mathew University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “Evaluating the Role of the Approach Avoidance Training on Action Tendencies in Individuals With Skin Picking Disorder”

John McKenna Suffolk University, “Sexual Assertiveness as a Predictor of Consent Attitudes and Beliefs Among LGBTQ+/Non-Binary Young Adults”

Oliver G. Johnston University of Connecticut, “Identifying Intervention Targets for Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptoms in College Students”


Danielle Weber, M.A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: “Patterns of Emotional Communication in Same-Sex Female Couples Before and After Couple Therapy”

Gemma T. Wallace, B.A. Colorado State University: “Personality and Emotion Dysregulation Dimensions Differentially Predict Engagement in a Wide Range of Self-Injurious and Health-Risk Behaviors”

Rachel Weiler, MSc PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium: “Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy a Good Fit for Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Patients?”


Rachel Butler, M.A., Temple University: “Imaginal Exposure for Disordered Eating Related Fears”

Lily Assaad, M.S., Purdue University: “Disorders Relate Differently to Actors’ and Partners’ Romantic Relationship Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis”

Nathan L. Hollinsaid, Harvard University: “Structural Transphobia and the Availability of Gender Affirmative Mental Health Providers”


Sadaf Khawar, Montclair State University , “Is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy via Telehealth Effective? A Pilot Study During the Covid-19 Pandemic to Support Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities”

Ana Rabasco, Fordham University , “Preliminary Findings from a Brief Mindfulness Intervention for Adults with Suicidal Ideation”

Allegra Netten, University of Prince Edward Island , “Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Climate Change Anxiety”


Xinyi Deng, M.A., Southwest University and Cornell-China

Melissa-Ann Lagunas, Ph.D., Seattle Pacific University

Mikela D. Ritter, AA, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles/University of Southern California

Sobell Innovative Addictions Research Award

2020 Christopher Correia

2022 Kate Wolitzky-Taylor

Francis C. Sumner Excellence Award

2021: Isha W. Metzger, Ph.D., Georgia State University

2022: Tia Tyndal, M.A., The Catholic University of America

2023: Sierra E. Carter, Ph.D., Georgia State University

Charles Silverstein Lifetime Achievement Social Justice Award

2022: Charles Silverstein, Ph.D.

2023: Thema S. Bryant, Ph.D.

About ABCT Awards

The ABCT Awards Program recognizes and salutes individuals for their contributions to the field of behavioral and cognitive therapy and the institutions that have helped to train many of these very people.