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Featured Labs
- Center for the Study and Treatment of Anxious Youth at Palo Alto University
- Center for Weight, Eating and Lifestyle Science (WELL Center) at Drexel University’s Department of Psychology
- Culture, Affect, Relationships (CARE) Lab, located in the Department of Psychology at Miami University, Ohio.
- David J. Hansen, Ph.D., Child Maltreatment Lab, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy Clinic at Rutgers University in the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University
- Dr. Tina L. Boisseau Is Director of SOAR Lab at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
- Laura Holt is Charles A. Dana Research Associate Professor of Psychology at Trinity College in Hartford.
- Louisa Sylvia is an associate director at the Dauten Family Center for Bipolar Treatment Innovation at Massachusetts General Hospital.
- Peer Relations Lab, located at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
- Program for Anxiety, Cognition, and Treatment (PACT) Lab at the University of Virginia, Department of Psychology
- PTSD Research and Treatment Lab, located at the Case Western Reserve University Department of Psychological Sciences
- The ADDRESS Mental Health Laboratory, in the Department of Psychology at Palo Alto University, is directed by Alayna Park, Ph.D.
- The Advancing Care through Community Engagement, Services, and Outcome Research (ACCESO) Laboratory, located in the Clinical Child Psychology Program at the University of Kansas, is directed by Omar Gudiño, Ph.D., ABPP.
- The Anxiety and Behavioral Health Clinic (ABHC) and Research Laboratory, located at the Florida State University Department of Psychology
- The Anxiety and Stress Lab, located in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- The Anxiety, Cognition, and Emotion (ACE) Lab, located at the Department of Psychology at Miami University
- The Back-Flanagan Lab, affiliated with the Addiction Sciences Division of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina and the Charleston (Ralph H. Johnson) VA Medical Center, is co-directed by Julie Flanagan, PhD, and Sudie Back, PhD.
- The Borderline Personality Disorder, Emotion Science, and Treatment Lab (BESTLab)
- The Center for OCD, Anxiety and Related Disorders for Children (COACH)
- The Child and Adolescent Research in Emotion (CARE) Lab, located in the Department of Psychology at Lawrence University, is directed by Lori M. Hilt, Ph.D.
- The Couples and Intimate Relationships Lab, located at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
- The Culture and Race/Ethnicity (CARE) in Youth Mental Health Lab, located in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- The EMPOWER Lab “Engaging Minorities in Prevention, Outreach, Wellness, Education, & Research” is directed by Isha W. Metzger, PhD at Georgia State University.
- The Global Mental Health and Addiction Program (GMAP), located in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland, College Park
- The HIV Prevention Lab, located at Ryerson University Department of Psychology
- The Implementation Research Division (IRD) Lab
- The Knouse Lab (KNAB), located in the Department of Psychology at the University of Richmond, is directed by Laura E. Knouse, Ph.D.
- The Laboratory for Clinical and Developmental Studies, located in the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University, is directed by Christine Cha, Ph.D.
- The Mindful Way to Well-Being Lab, located in the Department of Psychology at Suffolk University
- The Mood and Personality Studies (MAPS) Lab, located at the Ohio State University (OSU) Department of Psychology
- The Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Lab
- The Pediatric Psychiatry Research Program, located at UT Southwestern Medical Center’s Children’s Health Dallas
- The Race, Disparities, and Intervention Laboratory, located at the University of Southern California Department of Psychology
- The Research Enhancing Access to Culturally Informed Mental Health Services (REACH) Laboratory, located in the Department of Psychological Science at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, is co-directed by Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez, PhD and Bianca T Villalobos, PhD.
- The Schiller Lab for Women’s Affective Neuroscience (SWAN)
- The Sexuality, Health, and Gender (SHAG) Lab
- The Suicide & Emotion Dysregulation Lab/New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center (SEDL/GVRC)
- The Suicide Prevention and Risk Behaviors Lab, located at Western Kentucky University Department of Psychological Sciences
- The Treatment Mechanisms, Community Empowerment, and Technology Innovations (TCT) Lab
- University at Buffalo Alcohol Research Lab at the University at Buffalo, Department of Psychology
Featured Therapists
- Alan Berkowitz
- Amy Jacobsen
- Andrew E. Colsky
- Angela Klein
- Anitra Fay
- Anne Donnelly
- Arnold Freedman
- Brian Pilecki
- Camilo Ortiz
- Carol Dorfman
- Carrie Spindel Bashoff
- Cedar Koons
- Chandler Chang
- Charles Melville
- Cheri Levinson
- Chris Nezu
- Doreen DiDomenico
- Erica Miller
- Erica Rozmid
- George Wing
- Gerald Stein
- Gerald Tarlow
- Harry Lesieur
- Ilyse DiMarco
- James Gray
- Janie Hong
- Jayson L. Mystkowski
- Jeff Cohen
- Jennifer Taitz
- Jill Stoddard
- Joel Guarna
- Joel L. Becker
- Joel Minden
- Jonathan Kaplan
- Julie DiMatteo
- Katherine Martinez
- Kelsey Hudson
- Kevin Ashworth
- Larry Cohen
- Laura Payne
- Lee Wells
- Lucene Wisniewski
- Melinda White
- Michelle Drapkin
- Michelle Drapkin
- Nadine Fish
- Nehjla Mashal
- Noah Clyman
- Patrick McGrath
- Paul Munford
- Philip Errol
- Philip Pierce
- Rachel Hutt
- Rebecca Sachs
- Reid Wilson
- Renee Zweig
- Robin Yeganeh
- Rochelle Frank
- Scott Greenaway
- Seth Gillihan
- Shannon oFlinn
- Stephen Swallow
- Steve Fishman
- Tamar Gordon
- Terrence Patterson
- Wei-Chin Hwang
- Yonatan Sobin
Mentor Spotlights
- Alayna Park
- Amy Brausch
- Anna Lau
- Anu Asnaani
- Betsy Kennard
- Crystal Schiller
- David Dilillo
- Donald Baucom
- Elise Clerkin
- Erin E. Reilly
- Genelle Sawyer
- Gregory Stuart
- Jennifer Cheavens
- Jennifer Read
- Jonathan Abramowitz
- Kelsie H. Okamura
- Kristin Hawley
- Lizabeth Roemer
- Michael P. Twohig
- Norman Cotterell
- Norman Schmidt
- Omid V. Ebrahimi
- Richard T. Liu
- Rinad S. Beidas
- Robert Friedberg
- Shireen Rizvi
- Shirley B. Wang
- Stacy Frazier
- Sue Orsillo
Researcher Spotlights
- Alexa M. Raudales
- Ana Bridges
- Anna Lau
- Anu Asnaani
- Christine Cha
- Colin Bosma
- Evan J. White
- Gabrielle Ilagan
- Hannah Levy
- Henry A. Willis
- Jenna Carl
- Katharina Kircanski
- Keith Renshaw
- Kelsey Pritchard
- Ken Weingardt
- Laurel Sarfan
- Omar Gudiño
- Quyen A. Do
- Richard Liu
- Sara Becker
- Shannon Sauer-Zavala
- Shawn Jones
- Taylor A. Burke
New and Noteworthy
- 10th World Congress Abstract Submissions
- 2023 Convention Attendees with ADA Needs
- 5 Take-aways from the ABCT Clinical Directory Survey
- ABCT & BARE Mental Health and Wellness
- ABCT 2022-2023 Election Results
- ABCT 2023 Election Results
- ABCT at PRIDE 2023: Grateful Heart, Proud Steps
- ABCT CHANGE Leaders (Challenging How ABCT Now Governs and Evolves) Program
- ABCT Commemorates Juneteenth
- ABCT Congratulates Patrick J. Kennedy II for “Profiles in Mental Health Courage”
- ABCT Convention Update: Virtual Format
- ABCT in Solidarity with the Ukrainian Association of CBT
- ABCT Member Barry Lubetkin Graces MSK’s Bridges Cover
- ABCT Presents: Student Membership Panel for International Trainees in US Clinical Psychology Programs
- ABCT Stands with CAAPS Against Implementation of EPPP-2
- ABCT supports increasing funding to expand evidence-based, developmentally appropriate opioid and substance use treatment for youth.
- ABCT’s First CHANGE Leaders
- Albert Bandura, In Memoriam
- Alcohol May Increase Risk of Developing Anxiety Disorder
- Antonuccio Wins Research Award
- Binge Eating Disorder
- Bolster Your Climate Change Knowledge
- Brian Pilecki
- Call for Papers — Special Issue: Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy: The Necessity of Leadership Through Evidence-Based Practice
- CBT interrupts cycles of poverty, trauma, and incarceration
- CBT Resources for Mental Health Observances in August
- CBT Resources for Mental Health Observances in July
- CBT Resources for Mental Health Observances in November
- CBT Resources for Mental Health Observances in October
- CBT Resources for Mental Health Observances in September
- Celebrating International Women’s Day
- Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month
- Commemorating Black History Month
- Commemorating Black History Month
- Commemorating Black History Month
- Commemorating Black History Month
- Commemorating Black History Month
- Commemorating Black History Month
- Commemorating Black History Month
- Commemorating Black History Month
- Commemorating Black History Month
- Confronting Bad Behavior Is Not New
- Congratulations to ABCT President-Elect, Steven A. Safren, Ph.D.
- Congratulations to ABCT’s Youth Community Leader Award Winners
- Conversion Post-Viewing Discussion with Dr. Silverstein, Dr. Davison, and Director Gregory Caruso
- Create Healthy Communities: VOTE
- Demystify How We Choose the Convention Content
- Developments at ABCT
- Digital Drop-In: Discuss How Digital Tools Can Be Leveraged in Mental Health
- Dr. Courtney L. White is the Incoming Executive Director of ABCT
- Dr. Mary Cover Jones — Mother of Behavior Therapy
- Eid ah-Adha & Hajj Mubarak from ABCT
- Ending Conversion Therapy
- Felicitas Kort Joins ABCT’s Global Thought Leaders
- Giving Tuesday
- Handling SOGIECE-related Articles in Behavior Therapy
- Happy President’s Day to All Observing from ABCT
- Happy World CBT Day!
- Help ABCT Make a By-Laws Change to Allow Students to Vote in Elections!
- Honoring ABCT President Dr. Sandra Pimentel for Women’s History Month
- Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Through Community Service
- In Memoriam: Charles Silverstein
- In Memoriam: Dennis C. Russo, Ph.D.
- In the Aftermath of a Shooting
- It’s World Autism Acceptance & Awareness Day!
- Join ABCT and WCCBT in our effort to disseminate CBT
- Making a Difference Today
- Maureen Whittal
- Meet APA’s New Science Officer
- Michelle Drapkin
- New Orleans in November
- Nominate an Outstanding Young Person for ABCT’s Youth Community Leader Award
- Our Inaugural ABCT CHANGE Leaders – Challenging How ABCT Now Governs & Evolves
- Patient Bill of Rights
- Psychollectibles
- Psychology Loses a Pioneer
- Ramadan Mubarak to all who celebrate.
- Reckoning With Our Past and Righting Our Future
- Recognizing Autism Awareness Day
- Reducing Teen Social Media Use with CBT
- Register Your Community Using ABCT’s New, HIPAA-compliant Partner Vot-ER
- Remembering Dr. Charles Silverstein
- Remembering George Ronan
- Resources for PTSD Awareness Month
- Sanity Podcast with Dr. Allison Harvey
- Sanity Podcast with Dr. Jon Abramowitz
- Sanity Podcast with Dr. Mary K. Alvord
- Sanity Podcast with Dr. Patricia A. Resick
- Sanity Podcast with Dr. Robert Leahy
- Sanity Podcast with Dr. Shannon Blakey
- Sanity Podcast with Dr.’s Kate Gibson and Corey Lieneman
- Sanity Podcast: Mary Jane’s Eras Tour
- Sanity with Dr. Jason Duncan
- Sanity X ABCT: 50th Anniversary of Gerald Davison’s ABCT Presidential Address
- Save the Date: ABCT Is Going to Pride
- Sleep Disturbances and COVID
- Sleeping Better with CBT
- Statement From ABCT Regarding Bylaws Change
- Statement From the ABCT Board of Directors Regarding Texas Governor’s Order to Investigate Gender-Affirming Care as Child Abuse
- Support for Veterans Experiencing Mental Health Concerns.
- the Behavior Therapist January 2025
- the Behavior Therapist: Paper or Electronic?
- the Behavior Therapist’s December 2024 Issue Is Now Available Online
- the Behavior Therapist’s June 2024 Issue Is Now Available Online
- the Behavior Therapist’s March 2024 Issue is Now Live Online
- the Behavior Therapist’s October 2024 Issue Is Now Available Online
- the Behavior Therapist’s September 2024 Issue Is Now Available Online
- The Business of Serving Anxious Americans
- The Postbaccalaureate Work Experience Before Mental Health Graduate Training
- Watch Charles Silverstein and Gerald Davison in the Documentary “Conversion”
- White House Announces 2024 Strategy for Suicide Prevention
- Wishing All Who Celebrate a Joyous Passover
- World CBT Day 2024
- World CBT Day Opportunity: Promoting Mental Health in an Age of Uncertainty
Featured Articles
- `Tis Better to Have…
- “Everyone is Going Through Something”
- 50 Tips to Get You Through the Anxiety of Election Day
- Adolescent Anxiety
- After the Crash…..
- Allowing Good to Be Good Enough, or Addressing Perfectionism
- Anxiety in a Changing World
- Anxiety’s Cost
- Anxious Child
- Apps for Anxiety
- Better CBT
- Blissful Sleep
- Body Dysmorphia
- Campus Mental Health
- CBT and ACT for Pain
- CBT and Athletes
- CBT as Path to Understanding BLM
- CBT Effective in Combating Suicide
- CBT for Anxious Children
- CBT for Back Pain
- CBT for Health Anxiety
- CBT for OCD
- CBT for Seasonal Depression
- CBT Helps Sleep
- CBT in Anxiety
- CBT on Campus
- CBT the “Gold Standard” in Dealing with Insomnia
- CBT Tools to Address Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Children and Adolescents
- Coming Out of Hermithood
- Confronting Effects of Poverty and Violence
- Confronting OCD
- Confronting Social Anxiety & Depression in a Fish Bowl
- Conquering Negative Thinking
- Conversion
- Conversion Therapy
- Cost of Popularity
- COVID-19 Precautions NOT Precursor to OCD
- Create your own traditions
- Dealing With Addictions
- Dealing with Panic Attacks
- Depression’s Toll
- During This Pandemic
- Embracing Anxiety in a Post-Pandemic World
- Endless Scrolling Right Before Bed
- Exploring Male Anxiety
- Facing Fears
- Fear of Being Judged Negatively by Others
- Fear of Rejection
- Fighting Stigma
- Gun Violence Briefing Book
- Healing After Tragedy
- Hearts Break for Those Who Were Killed
- Help for OCD
- Help with Insomnia
- How CBT helps Anxiety
- Intrusive Thoughts
- Involving Parents in Their Children’s Anxiety Treatment
- Job Loss
- Just Relax?
- Maltreatment and Suicide
- Managing Panic
- Middle School Resilience
- More Suicides
- OCD and Doubt
- Online cognitive bias modification
- Orgasmic Reorientation
- Overcoming Children’s Stress During a Pandemic Lockdown
- Overprotected Child
- Pandemic Can Hurt More Than Just Bodies
- Parenting During a Pandemic
- Radical Acceptance Can Keep Emotional Pain From Turning Into Suffering
- School and Your Nervous Kid
- Scoleciphobia
- Shaq and Shark
- Social Isolation Comes With Its Own Price
- Stepping Out?
- Stress on the Rise
- Suicide Briefing Book
- Suicide Risk
- the CBT for Depression
- The Curious Case of the Disappearing Patient
- The Persistent Effects of Childhood Trauma
- Time Out
- Tips to Help Avoid PTSD and Depression
- Vape Talk
- Warning Signs in Kids
- Why Pronouns Are Important
- Why Worry?
- Will Power
- Yoga is Good, CBT is Better, for Anxiety